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The One With The Late Thanksgiving

Monica doesn't want to host Thanksgiving until Phoebe suggests that she see it as a competition with herself, to top her previous year. Phoebe convinces Rachel to enter Emma in a baby beauty pageant. Joey gets tickets to a hockey game and he and Ross go, even though it could conflict with the Thanksgiving dinner. Rachel, Phoebe, Joey, and Ross are all late for dinner, angering Monica and Chandler, who didn't want to host the dinner anyway. At the height of the conflict, Monica gets a call from the adoption agency telling them they're getting a baby.

罗斯和乔伊去看著名的球队比赛, 回来晚了。而瑞秋和菲比带爱玛去比赛,赢得了冠军,也回家晚了。四人在走廊里商量怎样才能使莫妮卡他们不生气



10-08-1 迟到的感恩节


Chandler和Monica想享爱最后一个只有他们俩人的感恩节,明年就会多一个小Baby了。迫于领养和工作的压力,他们决定不再为大家准备一年一度的感恩节大餐。大伙都对比决定感到很不高芳。phoebe了解Monica的“致命弱点”,于是她用激将法说没什么可遗憾的,反正Monica厨艺越来越不如以前,今年的感恩节大餐想必也好不到哪去。Phoebe的激将法果然很灵。为挑战去年的自己, Monica又忙着为大家做大餐了。可是大家却都只顾忙自己的事,自己找乐子,并且逐都迟到了。辜负了Chandler和Monica辛辛苦苦准备的感恩节大餐,这惹得Monica非常生气。后来,领养中心的人打电话来说有人选中了Monica和Chandler,要把孩子送给他们收养。 Monica的怨气这才烟消云散。最后六人坐在桌边共享这个迟到的感恩节大餐。

Phoebe: Sure. It's just as well... I mean, last year wasn't very good. I think she's losing her touch.

Monica: What? You are way off, lady!

Phoebe: Am I? Really? Am I? Well, why don't you cook Thanksgiving dinner and prove me wrong! Well, think about it, think about it, you'll be trying to top than you did last year. You'd be in competition... with yourself.

Monica: That's my favourite kind! Okay, we are doing this!


lose sb,s touch短语中“touch”的意思是“ability,talent,capability”(能力,才干,水平)。lose sb’s touch就是说“对……变得生疏,工作不如以前,失去以往的能力”(If you lose your touch,you can no longer do something as well as you COUld before.)例如:

He used to speak English fluently,but I think he's losing his touch now.
It's glad to see our goalkeeper's not losing his touch.

又如:I haven't spoken English for such a long time. I am losing my touch.(我很长时间没说英语了。现在有些生疏了。)

另外一个,有关“touch”的口语用法是“toucn WOOd”,它等同于“good luck”,(祝好运,避免恶运),相当于cross one's fingers(把中指与食指交叉,迷信者认为可逢凶化吉,求神保佑,祈求好运和成功)。例如:
The deal will be done tomorrow,touch wood.

还有,大家比较熟悉和常用的be/keep/stay in touch(保持联系)。例如:Do stay in touch after you've moved!(搬走后一定记得保持联系啊!)

要想表达“和……取得联系”就用get in/into touch with。例如:Anyone who knew the victim should get in touch with the police.(任何认识这个受害人的人都应与警察取得联系。)


10-08-2 选美冠军



Phoebe: We can't leave now! There was this one baby, Haley, who was favourite to win and she got croup, so she had to stay home! This competition just blew wide open, folks!

Rachel: Phoebe, I think... It's just too weird, I just saw a one year old running around with pantyhose on!

Phoebe: Oh, I know, we should have been more prepared. (she looks around) It's okay. Now, the way I see it, our real competition now is Cameron. Oh my God, they just took her sweater off. Look at those arms! Hello Michelin Man.

Rachel: Oh, Phoebe! Come on! You know what, it's already three o'clock and they haven't even gotten to Emma's group yet. We gotta go, we got dinner!

Phoebe: (panicking) But Emma's got what it takes, she could go all the way!

Rachel: Phoebe, you have to calm down.

Phoebe: Okay. Rachel, the hottest babies in the Tri-State Area are in this room right now! I overheard one of the judges say that not one of them holds a candle to Emma!


大家有可能对这里出现的几个习语比较陌生,如果不知道其意思,则会影响对整个语境和意思的理解。首先,大家对“be favourite to win”可能不陌生,其意思是“最有希望赢的”。与之相对的“无取胜希望者”是“outsider”。文中Phoebe劝Rachel留下来说“最有希望赢的小孩生病了,不得不待在家里。所以,这下,机会难得。每个小baby都有获胜的可能。”‘那么,“This competition just blew wide open.”意思就是“每个人都有可能获胜。”

但Rachel还是有些动摇,于是,Phoebe说她无意中听到裁判说Emma比别的女孩都漂亮。即“I overheard one of the iudges say that not one of them holds a candle to Emma!”这里,“A can't hold a candle to B”相当于A is not as good as B,or A can't compare with B,or A is inferior to B,意思是“A不及B好”。例如:This film doesn't hold a candle to his previous ones.(这部电影比不上他先前的几部。)

此外,为了帮助大家提高英语口语,冉补充几个口语中常说的关于blow的表达,blow it/blow your chance(告吹!搞砸!砸锅!丧失大好机会。)例如:I really cherish this opportunity.I don't wanna blow it.(我真的很珍惜这个机会。我不想把它搞砸。)另一个俚语是blow sb's mind(If something blows your mind,you find it very exciting and unusual.)(使兴奋,惊奇,惊讶)例如:Your fluent and standard English really blows my mind,(你那流利叉标准的英语真让我很吃惊。)另一个,blow one's own horn(自夸,吹牛,自吹自擂)相当于talk big,boast.brag等。最后一个就是我们中文常说的“给某人一个飞吻”,即:blow sb.a kiss,或者是blow a kiss to/at sb.


10-08-3 纽约的热门球赛


感恩节那天,Ross和Joey有当晚著名球队的冰上曲棍球比赛的票,而且位子很好。 Chandle劝他们不要去看比赛,否则,他们会辜负Monica和他辛辛苦苦为大家准备的感恩节大,餐。但是,BOys will be boys.他们最后逐是去看了比赛。结果回来时迟到了45分钟。 Monica非常生气。无奈他们只能说好听的讨好Monica和Chandlen,企求原谅,结果Joey的头被卡在门里,进退两难。

Joey: Three tickets to today's Rangers game!!

Ross: Dude, I wanted him to guess.

Joey: Oh.

Chandler: Oh my God!

Joey: Yeah, they're great seats too!




这些球赛一般是在纽约市的Madison Square Gardens(麦迪逊广场花园球场)开赛。这里提到的Rangers是指NY Rangers(纽约游骑兵职业冰球队)。冰上曲棍球队NY Islanders(纽约岛人队)也很著名。此外,NBA中纽约篮球队有New York Knickerbockers(简称Knicks)。wNBA纽约篮球队有The New York Liberty。

另外,美国职业棒球队New York Yankees(纽约洋基队)和New York Mets(纽约大都会队)。

此外还有美国橄榄球联合会(American Football Conference,简称AFC)中的New York lets(纽约喷气机)和New York Giants(纽约巨人)等。