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The One With Rachel's Going Away Party

Rachel finishes preparations to go to Paris. Monica and Chandler pack up their apartment with the gang's help. While packing, Chandler finds a pair of fur-lined handcuffs and has trouble tracking down their owner. During a going away party for Rachel, she says individual goodbyes to everyone except Ross; he's upset and confronts her, leading to a passionate kiss. Erica goes into labor.




10-16-1 帮倒忙


在这一集中, Monica和Chandler在整理东西,准备搬家。Ross和Joey也过采帮忙打理。可是,Boys will be boys。他们仍童心未泯,边整理,边玩闹,Joey还把泡沫塑料包在头上,让Chandler和Ross练拳击。Monica很生气,于是她让哥哥Ross负责管理着他们,好好收拾东西。而Ross一脸严肃地答应下来,但当Monica一离开, 他却出了一个更馊的主意……

Monica:Rachel's party is in couple of hours.There's a lot to do!Now,Ross,you got Geller blood!You are in charge of the other jossers!

Ross:You got it! Alright.She's right. We got to get serious.Let's put some peanuts down into his pants and kick him!

Chandler:No no no, guys. She's right.We should get to work.I'll take out the closet,Joey,you pack up them and Ross repack whatever Joey packs.


sb.is in charge of sth.的意思是“某人负责,管理,领导某事”
(being the person who has control of or is responsible for someone or something)例如:

Who are thc people in chargc here?(谁是这儿的负责人?)

He is the security agent in charge at the airport.(他是机场保安部的负责人。)

You’re in charge of seeing off the visiting professor at the airport.(你负责到机场给这个客座教授送行。)

反过来说,sth.is in/under the charge of sb.就是“某事在某人负责的范围之内,由某人负责,管理”(表被动意思)。比如,刚才那个句子就变成:The proIect is in the charge of Tom.

假设快餐店KFC说:Due to the anniversary all the fast food today is free of charge.那意思是说“因为周年庆,今天所有快餐免费。”所以“flee of charge”的意思就是“免费的,不收钱”。

表示“收费”含义的动词短语是charge(sbt)(money)for sth.(要价,收某人费用)

例如:Do you charge children for the public transport or do they go flee of charge.?

The local museum doesn’t charge for admission.

假如是你请客,而不是AA制(go Dutch),你就可以很酷地甩出一句:It’s my trcat.Charge the bill to nay account,please.(我请客。记到我的账上。)所以,charge sth.to sb’s account 的意思就是“把某物的花费记在某人的账上。”


accuse和charge都有这个意思,但其固定搭配中介词不同:chargc sb. with(doing)sth.(指控某人犯了某事)或accuse sb .of doing sth.

例如,The police charged him with robbery.

She was accused of using the company’s money for her own purposes.


你在生活中注意到“可充电电池”的英文是怎么说的吗?即rechargeable battery(可再充电电池)。还有,我们常说的“要不断给自己充电”中的“充电”也是recharge。

10-16-2 最后的晚餐


Monica:Hey!Where's Mike?

Phoebe:Oh,he has a gig.I kinda like being married to a rock star ,you know,My husband has g gig.

Ross:Yeah?Yeah,where is it?

Phoebe:Oh,he's playing organ for a children's roller-skating party.

Ross:Rock on!


Rock on!的意思是“being cool;continue being cool!”这里Ross是以一种略带讽刺的口吻说的,因为,Mike只不过是给一个小孩子的滚轮溜冰会演奏风琴,但Phoebe却说自己的“摇滚乐”老公去作“gig”(音乐家作短期表演)。

另外,生活中,如果你觉得什么事情“够刺激、棒极了、有意思”的话,除了可以说“It’s amazing / wonderful / superb / cool / gorgeous /fantastic / terrifle / fabulous / lovely / excellent /great.”等等之外,你也可以说“It rocks!”或者“That totally rocks!”

一见到rock,我们可能立即联想到rock’n’roll/rock-and-roll(摇滚乐)。这里,作为一种常识或文化,简单介绍一下美国较流行的音乐风格。 提到rock’n’roll和摇滚乐流行教父“猫王”(Elvis Presley),大家都不陌生。比如,猫王的Love Me Tender和Heartbreak Hotel。

通常摇滚乐被说成是由“节奏布鲁斯”(Rhythm & Blues)与“乡村和西部音乐”(Country & Western music)组合而成的音乐。音乐电台里常说的RB即是rhythm and blues的简称,翻译过来就是节奏和布鲁斯(蓝调),这是一种由布鲁斯(blues)演变而来的音乐风格。有一首歌你肯定知道,那就是孙燕姿翻唱Beatles(披头士乐团/甲壳虫乐队:蜚声全球的英国一个流行歌曲乐队)的Hey,Jude,这首歌应该是早期摇滚乐的代表作。恰巧,早期的摇滚乐也是在RB的基础上形成的,可以说这首作品是位于两种风格的衔接处。So,Hey,Jude是咱们能听到的最早的RB了。如今RB已经成为了时尚,周杰伦(Jay)的音乐风格也是RB。


例如,东北Rap歌手郝雨,曾经用说唱手法,把火爆搞笑的《大学自习曲》唱红大江南北,通过说唱把大学生自习室里面的不文明现象讽刺得淋漓尽致。另外一个经典的Rap歌曲是《东北人不是黑社会》。赚了观众许多眼泪的热播韩剧《对不起,我爱你!》中帅帅的男主角不论是在剧中,还是在现实生活中都是一个Rap爱好者。在他的生曰会上,他亲自演唱的Rap很好听。Hip-Hop就是由它演变而来的,相对于Rap,它更具有文化色彩。如果你想了解美国街头的这种文化,就去看一部由丹泽尔·华盛顿(1)enzel washington)主演的、名叫“训练日”(Training Day)的片子,这种文化始终贯穿于影片所拍摄的街道。在热播韩剧《对不起,我爱你!》中也有少数相关镜头。孙燕姿新专辑中的“直来直往”应该就是典型的现代Hip-Hop。要想体验一下多样的音乐元素和文化气息,不妨听听看,感受一下其中的味道。



本集中,Rachel收拾好行裝,即将飞往巴黎。Rachel在欢送派对上,情绪非常激动和难过,她和好朋友们一一道别,大家的泪水都哗哗地流。但她惟独故意冷落了Ross,没有单独向他道别。Ross难过之余前去质问原因,原因其实很简单,对Rachel 来说,与Ross道别是生命不能承受之别。

Rossralking agitated and angry)Everyone gets a goodbye but me?what have I got to do to get a goodbye ,huh?Be best friends with you ?uh, go out with you ?Have a baby with you ?Oh, wait a minute, wait a minute, I did all those things.


Ross:Oh no,maybe it's me ,I'm just not giving you enough credit.Uh,I mean it is difficult to say goodbye to five people.Uh,good bye,good bye,good bye,good...(make choking noises )IT'SPHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE.You know what?After all we;ve been through,I can’t believe this is how you want to leave things between us .Have a ,have a good time in Paris .(He leaves the a partment.Rachel looks kind of desperate.)


have been through这里相当于have gone through,意思是“经历,经受,度过”(experience,undergo,come through,especlal to experience a difncult or unpleasant situation)。

例如:After a11 thcy have gone/been through together,their friendship blossomed into true love.

our nation has gone/been through too many wars.

go through还可以指“通过考试”等(to succeed in passing an exam or competition)相当于get through,come through with flying colours,pass 等。

例如:She got through her exams without too much trouble.(她没费劲就通过了考试。)

She came through the competition with flying colours.(她在竞赛中大获全胜。)

但go through更偏向于指“官方通过,批准”(to be offcially accepted or approved)。

例如:The law has gone through Parliament.

A spokeswoman said that the proposals for thc new shopping mall were unlikely to go through.

还有,一些常见的习惯用法:go through fire and water(赴汤蹈火)。

The bodyguard should go through fire and water to ensure the prince’s safetv.

go through the mill(经受磨炼)。例如:She really went through the mill after her husband abandoned her.

最后,说一个对女孩子比较实用的、含through一词的表达。父母们常教导女孩子说“要抓住男人的心,首先要抓住他的胃。”英文中也有相似的表达’即:了he way to a man’s heart is through his stomach。或A woman can gain a man’s affection by cooking him good meals.



在这一集中,Monica和Chandler在整理打包东西。准备搬到新家去。Ross和Joey也过来帮忙打理。 可是,他们根本无心整理, 边整理,边玩闹,根本就是在帮倒忙。Chandler主动要求和Joey一起整理客房的东曲, 以便他俩又可以搞出别的花样,边玩,边收拾。Monica看透了他的心思,就故意把他和Joey分开。而当Chandler收拾房间的时候,他无意间发现了一副神秘手铐(Weind and Myserious Handcutts) ,那究竟是谁的呢?

Monica:We're moving in a couple of days and we've got a lot of packing to do .It would be great if you guys could pitch in.

Chandler:Joey and I can finish up in the guest room.

Joey:Oh no!You and Phoebe are gonna help me in here.

Chandlerto Joey )You couldn;t be cool.(He goes to the guest bedroom)


pitch in的意思是“协力,做贡献,配合他人,帮助或合作”(to join forces with others and help or cooperate)

例如:If we all pitch in,we can get the kitchen cleared up in half an hour.

My brother pitched in with an offer of transport.

因为,pitch 有“沥青,柏油”的意思,所以,引申出比喻意义的表达 as black as pitch,pitch dark/black (漆黑的,如柏油一样黑的) (名词:pitch darkness/blackness).

例如:suddenly the lights went out,and the house was left in pitch darkness.

此外还有“touch pitch”(参加干坏事,与坏人有来往),我们常说的“近朱者赤,近墨者黑”用英语说就是 Touch pitch,and you will be defiled.或者 You can't touch pitch without being defiled.