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The One Where Estelle Dies

Ross visits Rachel's old boss at Ralph Lauren to try to get her job back, so she won't have to go to Paris. She decides to stay, but Ross realizes how important Paris is to her, and tells her to go. When the house next to their's goes up for sale, Chandler and Monica check it out and are disturbed to find Janice as their potential new neighbor. Chandler pretends he's still in love with her so she'll think it's a mistake to move there. Joey's agent (Estelle) dies, but the gang doesn't want to tell him, because he's already upset about all the other changes going on. Phoebe calls him pretending to be Estelle, and Joey fires her. Later, he finds out she's dead, but Phoebe calls again, leaving Joey freaked out.




由于上一集中那次糟糕的面试,可怜的Pachel不但没去成Gucci,而且也被Ralph gavnen给炒了鱿鱼。真是陪了“夫人”又折兵。然而,山穷水复疑无路,柳睹花明又一春。Rachel遇上当年那个Mank,他介绍给她去,gouis guitton。大家为Rachel又找到了一份工作而高兴,但得知Rachel为了这份工作得去巴黎时,不禁有些伤感和失落,对于接二连三的变故, Ioey的反应最为强烈。

Phoebe: Good for you!
Rachel: It's in Paris.
Joey: What? No, no, no! No, no... no... no, no... No, too much is changing, okay? First, Phoebe getting married (to Phoebe) Congratulations! (pointing to Monica and Chandler)... and then these two move into a stupid house in the stupid suburbs...
Monica: Hey, this afternoon you said you'd be supportive...
Joey: Well, it comes and goes. I wouldn't trust it.
Rachel: Look, you guys... this is really, really important to me. And it means a lot if you could try to get on board.


good这个词对大家来说,简单地不能再简单了。这里,Good for you!是口语表达"对你很有好处,对你很有益,对你来说是件好事。"相当于“It’s good for you.”“It’ll do you good.”例如:

·organic food is good for you.



A:I made up with my girlfriend.

B:Good for you!



假设host问:Does anyone need seconds(second helpings)?(有没有人需要加饭莱?)而你已经吃饱了。你会怎样回答呢?你当然可以说:

No,thanks.I’m full.(不了,谢谢!我饱了。)

No.That’s enough.(不了,够了。)

No,thank you.I’m stufled.(不了,谢谢!我饱了。)

No,thanks.That’s ic.(不了,谢谢!可以了。)

你同样可以说:No,thanks.I’m good.(不用了,谢谢!我吃好了。)

另外一个口语中常用的表达是"Have a good time!“当于”ave fun!""Enjoy yourself!"(玩得开心点儿!)"Have(vourself)a ball!"(玩得尽兴!)

注意,“et on board”这里不能理解为"登机或上船"的意思。它的意思是“与,参加,支持,同意”join,support or agree)。例如:It’s a tough period of time for the government.And it means a lot if you could try to get on board.United we Stand.Divided we Fall.(对政府来说这是一个艰难时期。你的支持很重要。团结则存,分裂则亡)。又如:Please get on board and help us out.(请一起加入我们的行列,支持、帮助我们。)而on board才是"在船上,在飞机上,在公共交通工具内"等意思。例如:Everybody on board was worried about what had happened.(飞机上的人都很担心出了什么事。)We went on board the ship.(我们登上了轮船。)另一个表达在体育报道中常用到,它就是sweep the board(赢得一切,横扫)。例如:Our delegation swept the board in the sports games.(我们的代表团在运动会中大荻全胜.)




本集中,Joey的经纪人Estelle Geonard死了。Phoebe和Mike结婚了,有了属于他们自己的小家。Chandler和Monica要搬进另一个新家。而Rachel也要远赴巴黎去工作……所以,大家不敢让Joey知道Estelle Geonard去世了的噩耗,怕他承受不了这一连串的变故。

Phoebe: Well, we cannot tell Joey about this. He's already flipping out about everything that's changing. This will push him over the edge.

Monica: Seriously, you don't think we should tell him?

Phoebe: Well, not for a little while. Let's just give him a few days to get used to everything else.


大家可能对flip out和push somebody over to the cdge这两个短语不太熟悉,但通过上下文,应该不难猜到其含义。flip out是个俚语,意思是“发狂,精神错乱,发疯”。它相当于go crazy或go nuts。例如:Bad luck seems to follow me all the time.It never rains but it pours.Nothing goes right.I’m flipping out about everythmg.(霉运好像一直伴随着我,一桩桩接踵而至。任何事情都不对劲。我快疯了。)

push sb.over the edge按其字面意思理解就是“把某人推向崩溃、发疯、危险的边缘。”

此外,我们常说:Although it is a kind of cutting-edge technology,it is a double-edged sword.(尽管它是一种先进尖端科技,但它是一把双刃剑。即:有好的方面,也有不利因素。)cutting-edge是一个较新,但较流行的词,意思是“前沿的,时尚的,先进的”。它也可以作名词,例如:This firm is at the cutting-edge of the software.(这个公司站在软件开发的前沿。)

如果某人自认为比你强,用英文可表达为:He/she thinks he/she has the edge on you.这里,have the edge on sb.也是个俚语,意思是“比……强,胜过某人”。如果,你想挫挫这个人的锐气,可以说:He is as proud as a peacock and he always thinks he has the edge on me. I need to undertake some action and take the edge off.(他非常骄傲自大,总以为比我强。我得采取点儿措施,挫挫他的锐气。)这里的take the edge off的意思就是“挫其锐气/锋芒”。


10-15-3 来自地狱的声音


在这一集中,为了更天衣无缝地掩盖Estelle去世的事实,Phoebe 只好先暂时冒充Estelle Geonard, 打电话给Joey。蒙在鼓里的 Joey认为Estelle 工作老是失职,责怪她没有尽力找到试镜的机会,于是Joey把她解雇了。后来Joey意外发现Estelle已死,但 Phoebe 继续打电话“骚扰”,Joey破这个“来自地狱的声音”吓坏了……

Phoebe-Estelle: I guess I dropped the ball there. Whoopsie!

Joey: That's it? You know, it seems all you do lately is drop the ball.

Phoebe-Estelle: Don't take that tone with me. Who you think you are? Alan Lemond, the first black man to fly solo across the Atlantic?

Joey: No, no, look. All I'm saying is that you're my agent, ok? And you're not getting me into any auditions and I'm tired of it.

Phoebe-Estelle: What are you saying?

Joey: I'm saying that - (pause). This isn't working for me anymore, ok? Estelle, you're fired. Goodbye. (he hangs up the phone).


从字面上不难看出,“drop the ball”源于体育用语。如果一个选手没有接到球,比如说,守门员没有把球接住,就叫做drop a ball。那他就属于失职,会被记一次失误。后来这个用语就被广泛用来表示“犯了个错误”或“错失一次机会”。

drop the ball意思就是“犯错误,特别是因为粗心大意或愚蠢而做错事”(to make a mistake,especially by doing somethini in a stupid or careless way)

例如:Their goalie dropped the ball,and our team scored another goal.(他们的守门员掉了球,我队又得一分。)

例如:She really dropped the ball,because she screwed up the account of the company.(她真的很失职,因为她把公司账目弄得一塌糊涂。)

又如:He has a strong suspicion that you dropped the ball on the project.(他非常怀疑你在这个项目中犯了个错误。)

相反,be on the ball的意思是“能干,很专业,内行,在行,很在状态”。例如:He is a green hand who has nothing on the ball.(他是一个什么都不会的新手。)例如:She is a teacher who is really on the ball.(她是一个能干、专业的老师。)最后一例:That cashier is really on the ball.(那位出纳员的确很在行。)



在这一集中,Chandler他们家隔壁的房子待售,他们前往拜访时惊奇地发现买主有可能是ChaNdler以前的女朋友Janice!Janece本来还在犹豫不决,但当知道会和Chandler成为邻居后,她便决意要把房子买下来! Chandler惟恐有些歇斯底里和多情的Janice惹采麻烦,为吓走 Janice, 假装仍爱她,旧情复烯。这一突然的、过于主动的攻势使已有家室的Janice不知所措……

Janice: Ooh, that decides it then. I was on the fence. But knowing that you two would be our neighbors? Ah! now we have to get it! (Chandler and Monica are utterly shocked) Ellen, we're going to talk numbers. (Grabs Ellen by her elbow and pulls her outside)

Chandler: This can not be happening!

Monica: Okay, the realtor said another couple made an offer. Maybe the Janice's won't get it! Maybe the other couple will.

Chandler: The only way that that is going to happen, is if the other couple are the Hitlers.


be on the fence的意思是“未表态的或中立的,观望形势,抱骑墙态度,犹豫未决”(undecided as to which of two sidcs to support;uncommitted or neutral)相同地,sit on the fence/stand on the fence也是这个意思。例如:

You can’t sit on the fence any longer.You have to decide Whose side you’rc on.(你不能再犹豫不决了。你必须得表明你的立场。)

此外,be on both sidcs of the fence(两面讨好,两面不得罪人);be on someone’s fence相当于be on someone’s side,即support or help Somebody (帮助,支持,拥护某人)。另外,be on the same side of the fence(站在同一立场上,和某方一致);be on the other side of the fence(加入反对方面)。

还有大家常说的围城现象。这山望着那山高,别人的总是比自己的好。(something that you,say which means that other people always seem to be in a better situation than you,although they may not be)用英文表达就是:The grass is always greener on the other side (of the fence).
I somctimes think I’d be happler teaching in Spain,but you know,the grass is always greener on the other side!(有时候我想在西班牙教书,我可能会更开心一些。但是,你知道,人们总喜欢这山望着那山高!)