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The One With The Donor

Joey arranges for a reluctant Rachel to help Charlie shop for some new clothes. Phoebe comes along as well, and Charlie overhears Phoebe and Rachel talk about Rachel's feelings for Joey; but Charlie thinks it was Phoebe who has feelings for him. Phoebe is invited to a party which Mike will also be attending, and stresses about looking great but pretending to be over him. But on her way, she runs into her old flame, David (the Scientist guy), and changes her plans. Ross has a chance to be the keynote speaker at a Paleontology convention in Barbados; when he's making his pitch to the deciding professor, it puts him to sleep. Chandler and Monica visit their Doctor about reproductive options, and begin searching for a sperm donor. Chandler invites a likely but unsuspecting candidate (Zack) to dinner, and he gets a little creeped out by the odd questions Chandler and Monica are asking. In the end they decide to adopt.

Phoebe难以决定派对上穿什么衣服——因为派对上Mike会来;不料碰到了 另一个老相好,科学家David。


9-22 姚寻找精子捐献人


Chandlen和Monica 自然受孕的希望破灭,决定取人工受精,但是必需要找到一个合适的精子捐献人。于是Chandlen请自己的同事Jack到家里吃饭,看他是否是合适的人选。为了保证精子的质量,Chandlen跟Monica想尽一切办法在饭桌上向Jack了解他的健康状况及家庭几辈人的遗传情况,先是弄得Jack莫名其妙,后来他们的刨根问底弄得Jack疲惫不堪,落荒而逃……
Zack: I'm gonna take off now. You're gonna let me go home, aren't you?
Chandler: You sure you don't wanna stick around a little longer?
Zack: No, no, I should get home, I'm kinda tired.
Chandler: Are you just tired now or are you always tired, 'cause that could be a sign of clinical depression.
Zack: No it's just tiring having to figure out the age at which all my grandparents died. I'll see you tomorrow.
Chandler: Ok.


take off这一词组在此句中的意思为“离开”,是一种非正式用法。它常指不打招呼就匆匆离开。例如:
Clare just took off without saying goodbye.

与其相近的词或词组有:depart,disappear,exit,get off,get out,go,go away,go off,leave,take leave of,quit,set out,withdraw,vacate.

take off除了指离开之外,还有许多其他常用的词义。在take sth.off中可指“脱下、除去某物”,例如:
I forgot to take off my make up last night.

took 20 percent off则指扣去20%。take off也可指为了逗笑而模仿(copy)某人的谈吐举止,这也是一种非正式用法,例如:
When the teacher came into the classroom,he was trying to take off the ridiculous behavior of the teacher in class.

take a day off词组中,take off意为“休假”,如:
I am taking Thursday off to do some Christmas shopping

take off还可指突然开始成功,开始走红,例如:
I hear the business is really taking off.
a Hew movie that really took off指的是“一部非常火的新电影”。