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The One With The Fertility Test

Ross struggles with the conflict between his own interest in Charlie and Joey's desire to impress her. He coaches Joey on doing and saying things that she'll appreciate. Rachel has a gift certificate for a free massage at a big corporate massage chain; Phoebe makes her promise not to go. She goes anyway, and discovers that Phoebe works there. Monica and Chandler go in for fertility testing and bump into Janice. Later, the doctor calls and tells Chandler that he and Monica both have fertility problems.

Chan和Mon一直怀不上BB,偷偷到医院检查生育能力; 结果碰到旧识,大为尴尬。





在天台举办的“Days of Oun Gives ”剧组Panty上,Ross领来了他的新同事Chanlie,Ross在与Chanlie的交谈中才觉得自己与Chanlie之间的男友比真是相形见绌,觉得Chanlie要找的对象不会是像自己这样的平庸之辈。但出人意料的是,当Rachel找Joey,Ross找Chanlie表白的时候,却发现Joey跟Chanlie相拥在一起。第二天Chanlie找到Ross,为那晚的事情做解释……

Charlie: (talking to Ross) I feel like I owe you an explanation. I don't ordinarily go around kissing guys at parties. I'm... well, I'm kind of embarrassed. I really hope you don't think less of me.

Ross: Uhm no! Think less of you! No, I don't think less of you. I mean, you saw someone you liked and you kissed them. I mean, those people who like someone and don't kiss them... those-those people are stupid, I hate those people.

Charlie: You know, actually I'm a little surprised to myself. I mean, Joey is so different from the guys I usually date. I mean, they're all professors, and intellectuals, and paleontologists mostly, you know, very cerebral...

Ross: Yeah, I know the type.


think less of sb.源于think little of,意为“鄙视,看轻,看不起”。也可以说think poorly of。与其相对应的词组为think highly of/think much of/think a lot of sb.例如:

I can assure you,the management thinks very highly of you.

此外,think better of sb.也指对某人印象好,看重某人。而think betl er of sth.则指改变念头,打消主意。如:

·He started to say something,then thought better of it.

词组think badly of sb.并不是指认为某人不好,而是指“不赞同某人,看不惯某人的所为”,例如:
·Please don't think badly of me。I had no choice.

think the best/worst of sb.指“认为某人尽善尽美或者十恶不赦”。英语中有许多以“think”开头结构相似的词组,如think the world of sb.指“非常喜爱某人”。

think on your feet意为“思路敏捷”,如:
·A good teacher can think on her feet.

think something to yourself的意思为“自己心里想着某事”,而“自言自语”则为think aloud/think out loud。英语中think twice(before doing sth.)则可在汉语中找到相对应的成语:三思而后行。
此外,think big为非正式的用法,意思为“打算大干一番,立大志”,例如:
·We had money,materials,and the opportunity to think big.