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The One With Rachel's Dream

Joey needs inspiration for his love scenes on Days of our Lives, and uses his past love for Rachel as a source of motivation. It touches Rachel and gives her something to think about. Chandler plans a romantic weekend away, but Monica has to work. He can't get a refund on the room, so he and Ross go there to spend the weekend, and try to take enough hotel amenities to make the money back. Phoebe, hearing that Monica has guests standing in line outside her restaurant, decides to play her music there. This stresses their relationship a bit more than either can bear. Ross gets sugar highs from maple candy.




9-19 Chandler的周末计划



Chandler: So, what do you say? Can you get out of work?

Monica: Oh, honey! I can't. I was just telling these guys that things are crazy at the restaurant!

Chandler: Are you really that busy?

Monica: Yeah, I'm sorry. I really am.

Chandler: Oh, that's ok. I'll just try and reschedule. (on the phone) Hi, this is Chandler Bing. I made a reservation there and I need to change it. (pause) Oh, what do you mean it's not refundable? Can I just come some other time? (pause) Oh, can't you make an exception?

Monica: Tell them I'm a chef in a big New York restaurant!


这里出现的“get out of work”原意是指从工作中摆脱出来,逃出来,其实就是“请假”的意思。以“摆脱”之意再举一个例子:You should get out of your smoking habit,the sooner the better.(你应该尽快改掉抽烟的习惯。)

“get out of”还有“从……当中获利”之意,例如:

Michael organized the holiday trip,but I don't know what will he get out of it.

Get out of my face!(从我面前消失!)
Get out of my hfe!(从我的生活中消失吧!)

Things are crazy at the restaurant!“crazy”在该片断中指饭店的生意很好。crazy还可以用来形容一个人是神经病或是不可理喻的。例如:媳妇跟婆婆吵架后,对老公抱怨道:Your morn is crazy.(你妈妈真是不可理喻。)

同样的,crazy也常用来形容一件事情不甚合理,超出一般人所能想像的范围。例如:当我知道一本教科书居然要一百美金时,我的第一个反应就是,“That's crazy.”这是指一件事很不合常理。

但是crazy还可以暗指一件事情太不可思议了,以至于让人兴奋而血脉扩张。比方说一场比赛的最后,我方突然反败为胜,我想这种情况没有比用“That’s crazy.”形容来得更贴切了。所以这里crazy绝对是褒义而不是贬义。所以呢,当我们听到美国人说“This is crazy.”时,如果没听到前后文的话,还要观察一下说话人脸上的表情,才知道他所说的这件事到底是“荒谬”,还是很“不可思议”。

对话中的“reservation”是指酒店房间预定。“make a reservation”是预订或定位子,可以用来说预定酒店,预定吃饭的座位,预定航班等等。

I’d 1jke to make a reservatio for a single room for the weekend.
PEter made a dinncr rcscrvation for 6:00 p.m.on Friday.
I’d 1ike to change nly reservation for the flight to New York tilis mornlng.