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The One Where Monica Sings

Ross is upset that Rachel kissed Gavin, but is hesitant to talk with her about it. Rachel is worried that it was the wrong thing to do, and unsure about her relationship with Ross, but is hesitant to talk with him about it. Ross tries to move on; he hits on every woman around,and hooks up with a weird one (Michelle). When Ross and Rachel finally do talk, it's all negative, and Rachel decides to move back in with Joey for a while. Joey needs new head shots, and his photographer advises him to get his eyebrows waxed. The pain is too much, so he only gets one done. Chandler helps him out by doing the other one, with suprising skill. Even so, Joey looks really strange. Phoebe and Monica go to Mike's piano bar where the patrons sing. She decides to perform; the crowd really loves her, because the spotlight makes her shirt transparent.







Ross: I can't believe Rachel just moved on and didn't say anything to me

Chandler: Maybe she didn't move on, you know...maybe that kiss was just an impulsive one-time birthday thing

Ross: No no, about a month ago she gave her number to some guy in a bar.

Chandler: Did she go out with him?

Ross: No. When he called, I...I threw the message away.

Chandler: Ah! The high road...

Ross: You know what? Enough! Enough talking! I have to get moving! Hey check out those two blondes over there!

Hey come with me!

Chandler: Are you trying to get everybody divorced?


这里再次出现check out,意思为“仔细看看;你看;你瞧”,在这一季的第一集中就有了这个用法,Joey对Chandler说:Some guys are having sex in the closet,check that out!(你去看看,有人在储藏室里做爱呢!)其实“check out”就是“看看”的意思,比如这句:Hey,check out those two blondes over there!(看看那边的两个金发美女。)

很多外国人觉得金发女子blonde girls很漂亮。所以很多女孩喜欢把自己的头发漂成金色,称作bleach your hair。但还有很多人认为blonde girls虽然漂亮,可是头脑简单。所以,就应运而生许多有关金发美女没头脑的笑话(blonde jokes)。例如:

A:How do you make a blonde girl's eyes twinkle?
B:Shine a flashlight in her ear.

因为blonde girls脑袋空空,所以手电筒的光可以直接从耳朵通到眼睛那里,眼睛就亮品晶了!

说到脑袋简单,还有一种说法,即valley girl,指重视表面,但脑袋空空的女生。据说加州洛杉矶有一个叫the valley的地方。而加州女人给人的印象是爱打扮,但头脑不灵活,所以就叫valley girl。而还有另外一个词vain,表示虚荣的,对自己的容貌与能力自视甚高,有时也用来形容不明智的女人,例如:

I don't like that new colleague because she is vain.