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The One With Phoebe's Birthday Dinner

Phoebe plans a special dinner out for her birthday, and all the gang plans to come. However, only she and Joey make it on time. Monica and Chandler are late because they fight over the fact that he's started smoking again; and because she's ovulating and wants to conceive. Rachel and Ross are late because they lock themselves out of their apartment while Emma's inside; and their babysitter (Mrs. Geller) is late. Ross uses a lot of antiquated phrases, and Monica has the breasts of a greek goddess (according to Phoebe). Joey struggles with hunger, but in the end gets to eat everyone's food.




9-05 Phoebe的生日聚会


Phoebe的生日快到了,她想借比机会和大家一起共进晚餐,以此来庆祝自己的生日。可是Rachel一直在犹豫要不要去参加Phoebe的生日party, 因为把总是不放心小Emma在家。 Ross却极力劝Rachel去,因为他妈妈会来照顾Emma的……

Ross: (On phone.) Alright, we'll just, uh, see you when you get here. Bye. (Hangs up) Huh, that was my mom, she's stuck in terrible traffic.

Rachel: Okay, well that's now the third sign that I should not leave Emma.

Ross: Oh, what were the other two?

Rachel: Well, let's see. The first one is: I don't want to. And, you know, I'm not going.

Ross: I know, it's the first time, we're leaving the baby and ... hey, I know how hard it is for you, but ... but Emma is gonna be fine. My mom is gonna be with her. She's great with kids.


这里出现的be stuck in somewhere,示表“被困住”。例如:
I got stuck 1n the traffic on the way home.

The bus got stuck in the snow and we had to walk the rest of the way.

be stuck with sth指“不得不接受某事物”,例如:
We are renting the house。so we're stuck with this ugly wallpaper.

be stuck on sb.指“非常喜欢某人”,例如:
Mary is really stuck on the boy in her brother’s class.

讲了stuck的那么多用法,再来学习一个跟stuck形似的词“stink”。通常stink指“难闻的气味”。这里要介绍一个关于stink的俚语big stink,例如:

He made a big stink about it.
这个美语俚语big stink是big issue.的意思。例如:
The citizens made a big stink about the nexAr nuclear power station.

再比如你违规驾驶得到了罚单,但你认为你没有违规,是警察出了错。于是你到处抗议,大肆张扬,叫嚣要告到法院,要警察道歉。最后,警察可能会真的屈服,承认你确实没有违规。你的这种行为就可以用这句话来形容:You made a big stink about it。