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1. 代词做主语

A.主语是he, she, it, either, neither, each, one, the other, another, anything, anyone, something, someone, somebody, everybody, everyone, everything, nobody, no one, nothing等代词时,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。如:

(1) Somebody is asking for you. 有人在找你。

(2) Everyone is here. 大家都来了。

(3) There is something wrong with my bike. 没有的单车有点毛病。

B.主语是I(除be 动词用am外) , you, we, they代词时,谓语动词用第三人称复数形式。如:

(1) I like to stay here with you. 我喜欢跟你在这儿。

(2) They are all soldiers. 他们都是战士。

(3) We play football after school. 我们放学后踢足球。

C.主语是:who, what, which, all, more, most, some, any, none, the rest, the remainder时,谓语动词的形式须依具体情况而定。如:

(1) Who’s the girl over there?  那边的那个女孩是谁?

(2) Who are the boys playing games there? 在那里做游戏的男孩子是哪些人?

(3) What’s this?  这是什么?

(4) What are those?  哪些是什么?

(5) Which is yours?  哪一个是你的?

(6) Which are children’s? 哪一些是孩子们的?


2. 名词做主语

A. 一般说来,不可数名词及可数名词的单数做主语时,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。如:

(1) Water is necessary for living things. 水对于生物来说是必须的。

(2) The desk over there is Li Lei’s. 那边的那张课桌是李蕾的。

(3) The dog is a useful animal. 狗是一种有用的动物。
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