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  作者:恒星英语学习网     所属分类:O开头的英语单词     

overcloud 是什么意思


make obscure or unclear; "The distinction was obscured"
同义词:obscure, bedim,

become covered with clouds; "The sky clouded over"
同义词:cloud over, cloud up,


1.In addition , the clothing industry was again overclouded by the us s tightening of rules of origin

2.Then , suddenly overclouding all his features , he growled in a hoarsened rasping voice as he hewed again vigorously at the loaf

3.Yet , no one could have looked at him twice , without liking again : even though the opportunity of observation had not extended to the mournful cadence of his low grave voice , and to the abstraction that overclouded him fitfully , without any apparent reason

4.As the captive of many years sat looking fixedly , by turns , at mr . lorry and at defarge , some long obliterated marks of an actively intent intelligence in the middle of the fore - head , gradually forced themselves through the black mist that had fallen on him . they were overclouded again , they were fainter , they were gone ; but they had been there

5.At last the guard returned ; once more i was stowed away in the coach , my protector mounted his own seat , sounded the afternoon came on wet and somewhat misty : as it waned into dusk , i began to feel that we were getting very far indeed from gateshead : we ceased to pass through towns ; the country changed ; great grey hills heaved up round the horizon : as twilight deepened , we descended a valley , dark with wood , and long after night had overclouded the prospect , i heard a wild wind rushing amongst trees
我在房间里来回走了很久,心里很不自在,害怕有人会进来把我拐走。我相信确有拐子,他们所干的勾当常常出现在贝茜火炉旁所讲的故事中。护车人终于回来了,我再次被塞进马车,我的保护人登上座位,吹起了闷声闷气的号角,车子一阵丁当,驶过了镇的“石子街” 。

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