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  作者:恒星英语学习网     所属分类:O开头的英语单词     

omniscience 是什么意思


the state of being omniscient; having infinite knowledge

Omniscience ("), mainly in religion, is the capacity to know everything that there is to know. In particular, Hinduism and the Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) believe that there is a divine being who is omniscient.


1.I was amazed at master s omniscience and immaculate consideration

2.During one of these bible classes i learned about god ? omniscience , meaning : god knows everything
同时我学习到箴言十五章3节,耶和华的眼目,无处不在;恶人善人, ?都鉴察。

3.Yet , on the evening of the lecture , about eight hundred guests came , which again verified master s omniscience

4.We even become vain of our squirrel ' s hoard of knowledge and regard increasing age itself as a school of omniscience

5.The present paper deals with the logical omniscience problem in epistemic logic and the methods to resolve it and presents a kind of epistemic logic called el , which can avoid the logical omniscience , and gives its semantic rules and its axioms
摘要分析认知逻辑中的逻辑全知问题及其解决方法,提出一种可以避免逻辑全知的认知逻辑el ,并给出其语义和公理系统。

6.Ray kurzweil , in his book the age of spiritual machines , calculates that there have been 32 doublings since world war ii and that the singularity point ? the point at which total computational power will rise to levels so far beyond anything that we can imagine that it will appear nearly infinite and thus be indistinguishable from omniscience ? may be upon us as early as 2050

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