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  作者:恒星英语学习网     所属分类:O开头的英语单词     

oligopsony 是什么意思


(pl. -nies) 商品采购垄断〔资本主义市场少数买主对市场商品采购搞的控制〕。
-so-nistic adj.
An oligopsony (from Ancient Greek ?λ?γοι (oligoi) "few" + ?ψων?α (opsōnia) "purchase") is a market form in which the number of buyers is small while the number of sellers in theory could be large. This typically happens in a market for inputs where numerous suppliers are competing to sell their product to a small number of (often large and powerful) buyers.


1.Directed against the characteristic of oligopsony of market of vtchp solar water heater market , the thesis researches the equilibrium condition of this market with the game theory , sets up a dynatic game model under the imperfect information condition , concludes that holding and cooperation are the subgame perfect nash equilibrium to promote the development of vtchp solar water heater market

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