

Source: 恒星英语学习网    2015-09-07  我要投稿   论坛   Favorite  

[05:50.41]She picked up the leg of pork,went to the back door and opened it.
[05:56.86]The lion looked at her as she swung the pork in her hand
[06:02.03]so as to attract the lion's attention.
[06:06.29]"Here!Eat that!" she cried as she threw the leg of pork as far as she could
[06:13.34]onto the grass away from the table.
[06:17.39]The lion at once jumped off the table and ran to the meat.
[06:23.03]It picked it up in its mouth and carried it into the bushes.
[06:28.36]Mrs Cousins ran to the table,picked up her baby in her arms,
[06:34.32]ran inside and shut the door.
[06:38.47]Lesson 47
[06:46.94]1.Reading comprehension
[06:51.19]ESCAPE FROM THE ZOO(2)
[06:55.56]As soon as she got inside the kitchen,Mrs Cousins started to shake.
[07:02.43]For a moment she just stood there,unable to believe what had just happened.
[07:09.27]What should she do?Of course,she had to fetch help.
[07:14.91]Quickly she went to the telephone and called the police.
[07:20.27]"Yes,I am sure that it's a lion,"she said.
[07:24.73]"It's as big as a very large dog.
[07:28.86]It moves like a lion and it's eating some meat which I threw at it."
[07:34.50]She gave her address and put the phone down.
[07:39.15]What should she so next?She telephoned her neighbours.
[07:44.80]"This is Jo Cousins," she explained.
[07:48.74]"Please listen carefully.This is not a joke.
[07:53.13]The lion which escaped last night from the zoo is in my garden.
[07:58.69]It's not safe to go outside until it's caught.
[08:03.45]I'm ringing all my neighbours to warn them."
[08:07.29]Ten minutes later the police arrived.
[08:11.65]The lion could still be seen in the bushes eating the meat.
[08:17.11]"Are you going to catch it yourselves?"asked Mrs Cousins.
[08:22.39]"No,not us!" said one.
[08:26.04]"I thind we'll leave it to the experts."
[08:30.20]Before long,a truck stopped in front of her house.
[08:35.45]Two keepers from the zoo came into the house and looked into the garden.
[08:41.48]"She looks quiet enough,doesn't she?"said one of them.
[08:46.21]"But I think we'll give her a shot,just to be safe."
[08:50.68]He took a long plastic pipe and fitted somethig into ine end.
[08:56.53]Welking slowly across the grass he pointed the pipe at the lion and fired.
[09:03.40]The lion made a sudden angry noise and struggled to its feet.
[09:09.56]After a moment,it fell over and lay still.
[09:14.71]"We've just sent her to sleep," said the keeper.
[09:18.94]"It's easier to catch a sleeping lion than one that's awade."
[09:23.98]They put the lion in a strong cage and carried it to the truck.
[09:29.55]"What did you give her to eat?"the keeper asked Mrs Cousins.
[09:35.01]"A leg of pork."
[09:37.96]"She prefers beef.Still,you'll know next time,won't you?"


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