

Source: 恒星英语学习网    2015-09-07  我要投稿   论坛   Favorite  
[00:00.00]恒星英语学习网 Unit 1 Disneyland
[00:05.09]Lesson 1
[00:11.70]Carl has left San Francisco and is now working at Disneyland.
[00:17.76]He is answering vistitors' questions.
[00:22.02]A:Excuse me.Can you tell me the way to the Sleeping Beauty Castle?
[00:27.48]C:Yes.Go straight ahead till you see the entrance.
[00:32.73]It's about four hundred yards down this street.
[00:37.69]B:Excuse me.How can I get to Bear Country?
[00:42.84]C:Do you see the big gate over there?
[00:49.37]C:Go through the gate
[00:52.43]and you'll find the entrance to Bear Country on the other side.
[00:57.29]B:Thanks very much.
[01:00.24]D:Excuse me.Are the horse-drawn streetcars free?
[01:05.80]C:Yes.they're free.But there's usually a long line.
[01:11.08]You can join the line behind the clock tower.
[01:15.13]D:Where is the Tomorrow Land Buiding?
[01:19.07]C:The Tomorrow Land Buiding?It's behind the Sleeping Beauty Castle.
[01:24.95]Just take this street round to the right of the castle.
[01:29.68]It's about 400 yards from here.
[01:33.73]E:Excuse me,please.Where's the nearest men's room?
[01:38.80]C:Go down this street till you get to the clock tower.
[01:42.56]Then you'll see the sign for the rest rooms.
[01:46.32]Lesson 2
[01:54.47]1.Reading comprehension
[01:58.52]Read the passage and answer this question:
[02:03.38]How did Disney get the idea for first cartoon character?
[02:08.94]WALT DISNEY
[02:11.79]Walt Disney,the great film-maker,was born in Chicago in 1901.
[02:19.05]Disney's greatest wish was to be a famous artist.
[02:24.33]When he was a young man,
[02:27.80]he went to a newspaper office in Kansas City where he was living.
[02:33.44]He had some friends who worked in the office there.
[02:37.99]He took along some of his pictures in the hope of getting a job there.
[02:43.63]However,he had no luck.
[02:47.29]They looked at his pictures and said,
[02:51.05]"Sorry,young man,We don't think there is anything of interest in your pictures."
[02:57.71]Disney's friends tried to encourage him.
[03:01.86]"Don't worry,Walt.We like your pictures.
[03:06.41]They're very good.We're sure you'll be well-known as an artist before long."
[03:13.36]Disney did not lose heart.He continued to draw lots of pictures.
[03:20.12]His family was poor
[03:23.49]and he used to sit in the family garage and draw pictures there.
[03:29.45]One day a mouse came into the garage and played on the floor.
[03:35.20]Disney stopped drawing and watched the mouse.
[03:39.66]The mouse came towards him,so he gave the mouse a piece of bread.
[03:45.72]Then the mouse came and sat on his desk.
[03:50.09]Day after day the mouse came back and was given more bread.
[03:55.94]In this way over several days the artist and his mouse became good friends.
[04:02.47]Some year later,Disney moved to the west coast of the USA.
[04:08.66]He tried to get work as an artist,but still he was unsuccessful.
[04:15.01]One day he remembered the mouse that used to come out in his father's garage.
[04:21.07]He picked up his pencil and started to draw.
[04:25.74]Day after day
[04:28.90]he experimented and drew different pictures of the mouse that he had known.
[04:35.07]At last he was pleased with one of his pictures of the mouse.
[04:40.24]He called it Mickey Mouse.
[04:43.59]Disney's success as a cartoon-maker had begun.
[04:48.44]He soon drew other cartoon characters like Donald Duck
[04:53.62]and during the 1920s and 1930s he made scores of cartoons about them.
[05:00.98]These cartoons were all short ones.
[05:05.06]Before the days of television,they used to be shown in cinemas
[05:11.01]all over the country before the main film was shown.
[05:15.87]Later Walt Disney made longer films.
[05:20.24]All of them were liked very much by chhildren.
[05:24.78]Disney died in 1966.
[05:29.14]But the studios which he started are still busy today,
[05:34.39]producing more and more interesting films.
[05:39.15]Lesson 3
[05:47.32]1.Reading comprehension
[05:54.12]The company that Walt Disney started does not just make films.
[05:59.68]In 1955 Walt Disney himself opened the first Disney park.
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