[by:喜欢Hxen.com,请把Hxen.com告诉你QQ上的5位好友,多谢支持!] [00:00.00]恒星英语学习网 Unit 12 Mainly revision [00:04.28]Lesson 45 [00:07.44]1.Dialogue [00:10.89]Two friends,Kate and Li Qun,are talking about keeping fish. [00:17.06]I saw a beautiful fish in the street market the other day. [00:22.10]It was orange and blue.I'm thinking of buying some nest Sunday. [00:28.06]Where would you keep them? [00:31.11]In that round bowl over there. [00:34.87]It's a bit small,isn't it? [00:38.35]So are the fish! [00:41.69]I think you should get a tank if you want to keep fish. [00:46.13]Really? [00:48.98]Yes.You should never keep fish in a small round bowl. [00:54.33]They don't get enough air. [00:57.57]I suggest we go shopping together and look for a nice tank. [01:02.85]We need to find one about 30 centimetres (cm) by 30 by 50 cm. [01:10.30]That might be quite expensive. [01:13.95]Check the prices before you decide whether to buy one. [01:18.52]And you ought to get a few large rocks to put in the tank. [01:23.07]Fish love swimming round the rocks and through holes in them. [01:27.90]Is there anything else that I ought to get? [01:31.53]Yes,you need to get some underwater plants. [01:35.97]For one thing they keep the water clean. [01:39.92]Also they make the tank look much prettier. [01:44.18]Lesson 46 [01:52.43]2.Reading comprehension [01:56.58]ESCAPE FROM THE ZOO(1) [02:00.74]"This is Radio Two.Here is the o'clock news. [02:05.60]A young lion has escaped from Green Park Zoo in southeast London. [02:11.66]In the hurricane last night a tree fell onto the cage [02:17.01]where it was kept and in the morning it was found that the lion had escaped. [02:23.18]It is about seventy-five centimetres tall. [02:27.72]The manager of the zoo said that the young lion, [02:32.19]which was born in the zoo and is now six months old, [02:37.05]would probably not attack people. [02:40.81]However,if it becomes hungry,it might be dangerous. [02:45.85]Anyone who sees the lion is asked to telephone the zoo and the police." [02:52.41]When she had finished listening to the news,Mrs Cousins turned off the radio. [02:59.17]The hurricane last night had been a grear surprise, [03:04.16]but fortunately the house had not been damaged and no trees had fallen near it. [03:10.62]Her baby was sleeping in its basket. [03:14.59]She wanted to cook some vegetables quickly for lunch before the baby woke up. [03:20.75]So,as it was a nice sunny day,she carried her baby in its basket outside, [03:28.40]put it on the table under the tree and went back inside. [03:33.97]About half an hour passed. [03:37.52]Mrs Cousins was making a lot of noise with the pans [03:42.88]and did not hear anything unusual. [03:46.82]Then she went to the window to see if everything was all right. [03:51.86]She had the surprise of her life. [03:55.70]Her neighbour's big dog had got into her garden, [04:00.56]jumped onto the table and was looking at her baby. [04:05.52]She was just about to open the window and shout at the dog to frighten it, [04:11.59]when she stopped and stood quite still. [04:16.26]This was not the neighbour's dog;it was paler and of a different shape. [04:22.50]She was not so sure now that it was a dog. [04:27.26]Slowly it turned its face and stared straight at Mrs Cousins. [04:33.61]"Me?A dog?"it seemed to say with its strong body and sharp white teeth. [04:40.74]"The lion!It must be the lion from the zoo!" [04:45.20]Mrs Cousins was frightened. [04:48.97]At that very moment the animal bent over the baby. [04:54.32]Mrs Cousins held her breath,and her whole body went cold. [05:00.49]The lion was smelling the face of the sleeping baby. [05:05.53]Was it hungry?What was it going to do? [05:10.10]Thoughts rushed through her head. [05:13.86]How could she get the lion away from her baby? [05:17.81]If she ran towards it,it might attack her. [05:22.64]Worse still,it could even carry off the baby in its mouth. [05:28.39]She looked around the kitchen for something to throw at the lion. [05:33.43]Suddenly she had an idea. [05:37.37]In the fridge there was a large leg of pork [05:41.92]which she was planning to cook on Sunday. [05:46.36]There was not a moment to lose. [05:50.41]She picked up the leg of pork,went to the back door and opened it. [05:56.86]The lion looked at her as she swung the pork in her hand [06:02.03]so as to attract the lion's attention. [06:06.29]"Here!Eat that!" she cried as she threw the leg of pork as far as she could [06:13.34]onto the grass away from the table. [06:17.39]The lion at once jumped off the table and ran to the meat. [06:23.03]It picked it up in its mouth and carried it into the bushes. [06:28.36]Mrs Cousins ran to the table,picked up her baby in her arms, [06:34.32]ran inside and shut the door. [06:38.47]Lesson 47 [06:46.94]1.Reading comprehension [06:51.19]ESCAPE FROM THE ZOO(2) [06:55.56]As soon as she got inside the kitchen,Mrs Cousins started to shake. [07:02.43]For a moment she just stood there,unable to believe what had just happened. [07:09.27]What should she do?Of course,she had to fetch help. [07:14.91]Quickly she went to the telephone and called the police. [07:20.27]"Yes,I am sure that it's a lion,"she said. [07:24.73]"It's as big as a very large dog. [07:28.86]It moves like a lion and it's eating some meat which I threw at it." [07:34.50]She gave her address and put the phone down. [07:39.15]What should she so next?She telephoned her neighbours. [07:44.80]"This is Jo Cousins," she explained. [07:48.74]"Please listen carefully.This is not a joke. [07:53.13]The lion which escaped last night from the zoo is in my garden. [07:58.69]It's not safe to go outside until it's caught. [08:03.45]I'm ringing all my neighbours to warn them." [08:07.29]Ten minutes later the police arrived. [08:11.65]The lion could still be seen in the bushes eating the meat. [08:17.11]"Are you going to catch it yourselves?"asked Mrs Cousins. [08:22.39]"No,not us!" said one. [08:26.04]"I thind we'll leave it to the experts." [08:30.20]Before long,a truck stopped in front of her house. [08:35.45]Two keepers from the zoo came into the house and looked into the garden. [08:41.48]"She looks quiet enough,doesn't she?"said one of them. [08:46.21]"But I think we'll give her a shot,just to be safe." [08:50.68]He took a long plastic pipe and fitted somethig into ine end. [08:56.53]Welking slowly across the grass he pointed the pipe at the lion and fired. [09:03.40]The lion made a sudden angry noise and struggled to its feet. [09:09.56]After a moment,it fell over and lay still. [09:14.71]"We've just sent her to sleep," said the keeper. [09:18.94]"It's easier to catch a sleeping lion than one that's awade." [09:23.98]They put the lion in a strong cage and carried it to the truck. [09:29.55]"What did you give her to eat?"the keeper asked Mrs Cousins. [09:35.01]"A leg of pork." [09:37.96]"She prefers beef.Still,you'll know next time,won't you?"