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zodiacal 是什么意思


relating to or included in the zodiac; "zodiacal constellations"


1.The zodiacal glow refers to the diffuse scattered sunlight on the ecliptic plane .

2.Capricorn is one of the most stable and serious of the zodiacal types

3.Zodiacal light photometer

4.Zodiacal light photometry

5.Zodiacal time measurement was now used side by side with the older naksatra one

6.Do you know that since these constellations are located in the zodiac , the path of the sun in the sky , therefore they are collectively called zodiacal constellations

7.A star precipitated with great apparent velocity across the firmament from vega in the lyre above the zenith beyond the stargroup of the tress of berenice towards the zodiacal sign of leo

8.To highlight this years zodiacal sign , a sister - initiate designed a greeting panel bearing an image of a beautiful green rooster dancing gracefully , wishing everyone a happy new year and making the centers stand particularly appealing

9.Latin : “ balance ” ) , in astronomy , zodiacal constellation lying between scorpius and virgo , at about 15 hours 30 minutes right ascension ( the coordinate on the celestial sphere analogous to longitude on the earth ) and 15 south declination ( angular distance south of the celestial equator )
从天文学上说,天秤座,黄道星座,位于天蝎座和处女座之间,约位于赤经15时30分(类似于地球经度的一种天球坐标) ,南赤纬15度(南天赤道的角距离) 。

10.Besides interesting mythology related with the zodiacal constellations , the calendar features a lot of splendid pictures related to the zodiacs including helix nebula in aquarius , pleiades in taurus , sombrero hat galaxy in virgo and trifid nebula in sagittarius etc . in addition , a detailed chinese star map , the first of its kind with english translation of the namings , is attached to provide the readre with a good overall view of the chinese constellation system

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