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  作者:恒星英语学习网     所属分类:Z开头的英语单词     

zollverein 是什么意思


The Zollverein, or German Customs Union, was a coalition of German states formed to manage customs and economic policies within their territories. Established in 1818, the original union cemented economic ties between the various Prussian and Hohenzollern territories, and ensured economic contact between the non-contiguous holdings of the Hohenzollern family, which was also the ruling family of Prussia.


1.The german customs union ( or zollverein ) established in 1834 was the first step towards the german unification in economic field

2.The zollverein industrial landscape in land nordrhein - westfalen consists of the complete infrastructure of a historical coal - mining site , with some 20th - century buildings of outstanding architectural merit

3.Prussia , the leader of the zollverein , utilized the organization to control the middle and small states of germany , push the austria aside and defeat it at last , and then for the first time realized the unification of germany by the small germany road

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