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zend 是什么意思


The Zend or Zand (literally "interpretation"), refers to late middle Persian (see Pazend and Pahlavi) language commentaries on the individual books of the Avesta within Zoroastrianism. They date from the 3rd to 10th centuries and were not intended for use as theological texts by themselves but for religious instruction of the (by then) non-Avestan-speaking public.


1.Ibm , together with zend core , provides a similar combinaiton for php development
Ibm和zend core共同提供了类似的php开发组合。

2.Zend core for ibm : learn more about the php tooling supported in fixpack 10
:学习更多关于fixpack 10中所支持的php工具的知识。

3.With the php 5 release , zend took an important step towards serving the needs of enterprise customers
随着php 5的发布, zend向服务企业客户的需求迈出了重要的一步。

4.Zend core for ibm delivers a rapid development and deployment foundation for database - driven applications
Zend core for ibm为数据库驱动的应用程序提供了快速开发和部署的基础。

5.Beyond this initial announcement , ibm and zend are working together on furthering php technology directions
除了初步宣布的合作方式之外, ibm和zend还将在php技术上进一步加强合作。

6.All management and monitoring of the zend platform is done through a very clean and attractive browser - based interface

7.Zend core for ibm is a seamless , out - of - the - box , easy to install and support php development and production environment
Zend core for ibm是一种无缝集成、开箱即用、易于安装并且支持php的开发和生产环境。

8.On february 25 , 2005 ibm and zend technologies announced a strategic partnership to collaborate on the development and support of the php environment
2005年2月25日, ibm和zend technologies宣布建立战略伙伴关系,在php环境的开发和支持方面进行合作。

9.The zend framework uses the model - view - controller ( mvc ) architecture . this is used to separate out the different parts of your application to make development and maintenance easier

10.An updated and simplified driver for php application development with the free zend core for ibm tooling that makes php and db2 application development easier than ever

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