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zeitgeist 是什么意思


The Zeitgeist (spirit of the age or spirit of the time) is the intellectual fashion or dominant school of thought that typifies and influences the culture of a particular period in time. For example, the Zeitgeist of modernism typified and influenced architecture, art, and fashion during much of the 20th century.


1.Analysis to the zeitgeist of the views of criminal policy

2.Zeitgeist and contemporary psychology

3.Now , if my sense of a cultural zeitgeist is accurate

4.Now , if my sense of a cultural zeitgeist is accurate . .
现在,如果我对文化时代潮流感觉准确的话. .

5.Ign tv : what was it like to be part of the huge zeitgeist event that show became

6.Tv is a speedboat , zipping and weaving in response to ratings , reviews , fan clubs and the zeitgeist

7.An english economics professor even tried to capture the millennial zeitgeist by supplying franklin ' s adage with a quantitative underpinning

8.It shows the coherence of legal principles , social morals as well as zeitgeist , thus fetches out the objectivity of legal principles and its guidance quality

9.Others see the scare more as part of a us zeitgeist where chinaisalready seen as a challenger to us economic security andmilitarysupremacy

10.Virtual world second life , where people represented by animated proxies interact in digitized fantasy settings , is the final social networking property in the zeitgeist top ten
“第二人生”虚拟社区名列“十大热门搜索排行”第十位, “第二人生”社区是一个数字化的虚拟世界,社区用户都有一个动漫化身。

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