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unabridged 是什么意思


没有省略的;没有删节的,完全的。 an unabridged edition 足本。
a dictionary that has not been shortened by the omitting terms or definitions; a comprehensive dictionary
同义词:unabridged dictionary,

(used of texts) not shortened; "an unabridged novel"


1.June 2 , 1998 originally in english , unabridged

2.The message in the newspaper is unabridged

3.Have you read the unabridged edition of that book

4.Listen to unabridged audio books online via internet radio broadcasts

5.Problems existing in the unabridged chinese dictionary on including - interpreting synonymy

6.Annual report 2005 - 2006 : unabridged annual report 2005 - 2006 : booklet pdf format of file size 6 . 1 mb
二零零五至二零零六年度年报:摘要版本( pdf格式6 . 1 mb )

7.After party b provided the unabridged technical requirements of mobile samples , party a must complete the sample development within _ _ days and delivered it to party b to detect

8.The forthcoming english - chinese dictionary ( unabridged ) , 2nd edition , has been enriched with over 8 , 000 new - wont entries and updated in translation , illustrative examples , subject labels and the supplements
摘要即将与读者见面的《英汉大词典》 (第二版)增收新词8000余条,在释义、举例、学科标签、附录等方面都有较多的修改,反映了英语的最新变化和语言研究的最新成果。

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