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  作者:恒星英语学习网     所属分类:U开头的英语单词     

unaccented 是什么意思


【语音】非重音的。 an unaccented part 【音乐】弱音部。 an unaccented syllable 不发重音的音节。
used of syllables; "an atonic syllable carries no stress"

(used of vowels or syllables) pronounced with little or no stress; "a syllable that ends in a short vowel is a light syllable"; "a weak stress on the second syllable"
同义词:light, weak,


1.Distinguishes between accented and unaccented characters

2.Does not distinguish between accented and unaccented characters

3.Because accented characters collate after unaccented characters in the sort order

4.Analysis services considers the accented and unaccented versions of letters to be identical for sorting purposes
就排序而言, analysis services将重音字母和非重音字母视为相同。

5.If this option is not selected , analysis services considers the accented and unaccented versions of letters to be identical for sorting purposes
如果未选择此项,在排序时, analysis services将把字母的重音形式和非重音形式视为相同。

6.These nouns are compared as they denote the regular patterned ebb and rise of accented and unaccented sounds , especially in music , speech , or verse

7.The precise collation order may not be obvious to a non - native and thus will have to wait for native translation testers , but generally you can expect that unaccented characters and their accented counterparts should sort near each other

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