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  作者:恒星英语学习网     所属分类:T开头的英语单词     

torpor 是什么意思


inactivity resulting from lethargy and lack of vigor or energy
同义词:listlessness, torpidity, torpidness,

a state of motor and mental inactivity with a partial suspension of sensibility; "he fell into a deep torpor"

Torpor is a state of decreased physiological activity in an animal, usually by a reduced body temperature and rate of metabolism. Torpor is used to enable animals to survive periods of reduced food availability.


1.She must rouse herself from the torpor of mind and body .

2.She was the only one of the family who could rouse the old man from the torpor in which he seemed to live .

3.He had awakened from his torpor altogether off his head, and was inclined to be violent, babbling incessantly about some boat-race on the cam .

4.It was some time before he could get into the regular track of gossip, or could be made to comprehend the strange events that had taken place during his torpor .

5.Cried andrea , who seemed roused from the torpor in which he had been plunged

6.His eyes were sharp and piercing , save during those intervals of torpor

7." the symptoms are marked , do you see ? - sleep broken by nervous spasms , excitation of the brain , torpor of the nerve centres

8.I could make nothing of these fits of distress which continues until morning . then marguerite lapsed into a sort of torpor

9.This means that mr brown will have no more than a month to establish himself before politics slumps into its summer torpor

10.The only disabilities - it would be too harsh to call them sins - were torpor , incuriosity , or some excess of temperament , such as sensuality
绝无仅有的无能之辈- -斥之为罪人似嫌过严- -是麻木不仁者,或耽于声色,放浪形骸之徒。

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