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  作者:恒星英语学习网     所属分类:T开头的英语单词     

tew 是什么意思


TEW =tactical early warning 战术预先警报,战术远程警戒。


1.Tew said the site now works normally

2.I had no intention of paying . " tew ignored the threat

3.Let ' s hear what alex tew says about his marvel5

4.Tew had sold 10 , 000 small squares of advertising space on the web site for 100 each , achieving his target in four months

5.Tew , from wiltshire , a county in southern england , said he informed the fbi because his site is hosted in the united states

6." it was written in poor english , but the hackers asked for 50 , 000 , saying that it was just 5 percent of what i had made , " tew said
图说, "邮件是用英文写的,但英语很差。不过黑客明确提出要5万美元,还说这只是我赚到的5 % 。

7.Alex tew , 21 , said that his million dollar homepage was targeted after he publicized how it had helped him raise money for his university studies

8.But tew said that on jan . 7 , he received a threat from an organization calling itself " the dark group , " demanding that he pay them $ 50 , 000 within 72 hours or face having his site taken down
图说, 1月7日那天,他收到一个自称为"黑色组织"发来的威胁邮件,要挟他在72小时内给交出5万美元,否则他的网站就保不住了。

9.But tew said that on jan . 7 , he received a threat from an organization calling itself " the dark group , " demanding that he pay them 50 , 000 within 72 hours or face having his site taken down
图说, 1月7日那天,他收到一个自称为"黑色组织"发来的威胁邮件,要挟他在72小时内给交出5万美元,否则他的网站就保不住了。

10.Tew had sold 10 , 000 small squares of advertising space on the web site for $ 100 each , achieving his target in four months . his initiative spawned several copycat sites

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