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quoth 是什么意思


〔古、谑〕说 (=said) 〔第一人称和第三人称的直说法过去式,用如 quoth I [he, she] 我[他,她]说。偶然也用如 quoth we [they] 我们[他们]说。常置于主语前,插在引用语句的前后或当中〕。 Q- the raven, “Nevermore”. 老鸦说:“决不!”


1.Put beurla on it , littlejohn . quoth littlejohn eglinton

2.Ho ! ho ! ’ quoth he , ‘ that ' s for me , ’ and soon rooted it out from beneath the straw
“喔喔! ”他说道, “那是我的! ”他很快就将它从稻草堆里挖出来。

3." but there is yet time , " quoth brissenden . " who knows but what you may prove the humble instrument to save him
“不过也许还来得及, ”布里森登说, “你这个不算高明的手段说不定还能救他。

4.I see it now , the forces of entropy breaking our companionship apart . and it cannot come too soon , quoth this raven

5.Quoth one paper : " we have received a letter from a gentleman who wrote a poem just like it , only better , some time ago .
一家报纸说: “前不久我们收到一位先生寄来的信,他写了一首诗,很像布里森登,只是更加高明。 ”

6.Ask your pardon , sir , you would be very wrong , quoth silver . you would lose your precious life , and you may lay to that
“恕我直言,先生,你这样做会酿成大祸的, ”西尔弗说, “你将会失去你宝贵的生命,你可以相信我的话。

7.You may be a treasure , ’ quoth master cock , ‘ to men that prize you , but for me i would rather have a single barley - corn than a peck of pearls
“或许你是个宝贝” ,公鸡大人说, “对于人类来说,他们会珍惜你,但在我看来,我宁可要一粒大麦也不想琢一粒珍珠。 ”

8.Of that house a . horne is lord . seventy beds keeps he there teeming mothers are wont that they lie for to thole and bring forth bairns hale so god s angel to mary quoth

9.And as such , quoth mr . larry , whom the counsel learned in the law had now shouldered back into the group , just as he had previously shouldered him out of it - as such i will appeal to doctor manette , to break up this conference and order us all to our homes
“正因为如此, ”罗瑞先生说。熟悉法律的律师又把他挤回了圈子,跟前不久把他挤了出去一样- “正因为如此我要向曼内特医生建议停止交谈,命令大家回家。

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