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quins 是什么意思




1.Lamar quin was thirty - two and not yet a partner

2.He had never met lamar quin and had no idea who would appear on behalf of the firm and conduct the interview

3.He had never met lamar quin and had no idea who would appear on behalf of the firm and conduct the interview

4.He had read the biographical sketches of all of the forty - one lawyers in the firm , and in a split second he had recalled that lamar quin had gone to kansas state

5.He had read the biographical sketches of all of the forty ? one lawyers in the firm , and in a split second he had recalled that lamar quin had gone to kansas state

6.Ah jian is quin s live - in boyfriend . an outmoded villain , he works in a porno video rental shop which is facing its insolvency . ah chun is a lift repairer
电梯修理员排骨仔沉默内向,生活更是过得枯燥乏味,每天最大的乐趣只是沉迷于电台call - in和色情场所中,藉以宣泄工作上的郁闷。

7.Fluo - 3 , a visible light - excitable ca2 + indicator , overcomes the limitation of quin - 2 , indo - 1 and fura - 2 but no longer display any spectral shifts upon ca2 + binding and thus rati ometric measurements are not possible
表明所合成试剂stdin ? am是目前国内外唯一的可以am酯型无损伤导入细胞、双波长、可见光激发的胞浆特异性ca ~ ( 2 + )荧光探针。

8.During this initiatory journey to the dollar - city , she meets other three immigrants from mainland china : quin works as a lift operator in a big chinese restaurant . she used to work as a social dance teacher . she lost her son and one leg in a traffic accident

9.Consequently , the measurement of cytosolic ca2 + has become an important area of investigation in biological and medical research . at present , most measurement of intracellular ca2 + are accomplished using fluorescent ca2 + indicators developed by tsien , such as quin - 2 , indo - l , fura - 2 and fluo - 3

10.The paper examines the evolution and transformation of han taoists ' views on the cultivation of life , how they followed the tradition of their pre - quin predecessors ' emphasis on " spirit " ( shen ) how they combined the theory of energized cosmos prevailing in the period of warring states , and how they interpreted the way ( tao ) as energy ( chi ) , essential energy ( jingchi ) and harmonious energy ( hochi )

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