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  作者:恒星英语学习网     所属分类:P开头的英语单词     

priory 是什么意思

音标:[ 'praiəri ]  


小修道院;小的女修道院。 a priory alien 从属于外国大修道院的小修道院 (=an alien priory )。
religious residence in a monastery governed by a prior or a convent governed by a prioress


1.We accept only first priory application

2.From an empirical knowledge to a priory belief : the evolution of wu xing

3.The earliest recorded weight - driven mechanical clock was installed in 1283 at dunstable priory in bedfordshire , england

4.Saint - martin - des - champs had been conceived first as a priory and only later as a revolutionary museum and compendium of arcane knowledge

5.Compared with traditional machine tool , parallel machine tool has such priories as high response velocity , high accessional technology value , and high adaptability to circumstance

6.From another point of view - empiricism , which value the function of the priory knowledge , schema has the character of active processing . incorporate the advance of rationalism and empiricism , the modern schema theory came into being in 19870 ' s on the basis of information - processing , computer and the idea research in psychology . the modern schema theory can be studied from three aspect : l . geneyality , the knowledge stored in schema are generalized ; 2 . kowledge , schema not only describe the necessary features but also some unique features ; 3 . structue , the knowledge knots in the schema are combined according to some kind of relationship , and it ' s just a web , it ' s also a hierarchical structure
对现代图式的理解从三个方面入手,一是“一般性” ,即图式中贮存知识具有一定程度的概括性;二是“知识性” ,图式既描述某类事物的必要性特征,又描述其特点性特征;三是“结构性” ,图式中各个知识结点之间按一定关系联系组成一种层次网络,同时,图式还可以是一种等级结构。

7.Based on the analyses of scheduling strategy and scheduling framework of tao ( the ace orb ) , this paper studies the real - time scheduling and management of global priory in droce : how to determine the global priory of the dro ( distributed real - time object ) according to its timeliness and level of importance ; logical presentation and transparent transfer of the global priory ; the consistent mapping from global priory to local server priory ; the prevention of priory inversion , etc .

8.On the basis of comprehensive study on the characteristics of national and foreign housing industry development , combined with real situation of our national housing industry technological development , using the experiences of developed countries for reference , putting forward the proper developing mode of our housing industry technology . also it incisively analyzes what should be the first developed and the fields to be developed priory during the promotion and enforcement of housing industry modernization technological development . the article describes the sustainable development principles and analyzes the technological innovation mechanism of housing industry modernization technology

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