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  作者:恒星英语学习网     所属分类:O开头的英语单词     

osculation 是什么意思


the act of caressing with the lips (or an instance thereof)
同义词:kiss, buss,

(mathematics) a contact of two curves (or two surfaces) at which they have a common tangent


1.To great degree , mastering english well is due to a great deal osculation to this language

2.Its goal is building up a osculation and friendly relationship between people and computer and using it to efficiently communication

3.3 ) the relations between modulation of the secondary moment and modulation of load is very osculation . when becomes greater , modulation of the secondary moment becomes greater
( 3 )次弯矩的调幅和荷载弯矩调幅两者紧密相关,可以相互转化,此消彼涨, 。

4.With the development of social economy and culture , and the osculation of the relationship among nationalities , the nationality of languages weakens gradually , but the sociality strengthens

5.Recognition of the stock listed company , the confirmation of issuing price , absorbing new capital from market , st and pt , which have osculation connections with profit index

6.He kissed the plump mellow yellow smellow melons of her rump , on each plump melonous hemisphere , in their mellow yellow furrow , with obscure prolonged provocative melonsmellonous osculation

7.The political nature of education prescribes the osculation between education and politics . as is known to all , the governments of all levels may exert influence on the nature of education by means of laying the goals to be attained

8.The method is simple : put 8 12 pieces of floorboards together on flat ground . check combination for flatness and smoothness as well as the right tongue - groove osculation that should be neither too loose nor too tight by way of hand feeling and visual observation to judge the processing precision
举例而言,广州的年平衡含水率为17 . 3 ,那么在广州市场销售的木地板的含水率就应该在717 . 3之间,含水率高于17 . 3或低于7的木地板都是不合格产品。

9.Newspapers , broadcasting , tv and books , so many mass media have filtered in even the corner of the society . from individual ' s basic necessities of life , study , work and entertainment to the government , the politics , the economy and culture , each one has an osculation connect to the mass communication

10.The admixture of bank , securities and insurance not only weakened the business foundation , but also capital circulation among bank , securities and insurance and the increasingly osculation of the businesses increase the supervision difficulty . we current adopt mostly the organization supervision , manage through businesses examining and approval

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