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  作者:恒星英语学习网     所属分类:O开头的英语单词     

oriel 是什么意思


a projecting bay window corbeled or cantilevered out from a wall
同义词:oriel window,


1.Chapter 2 is the value chain accountancy ' s oriels frame

2.She will be leaving for the united kingdom in september to continue her studies in msc in financial economics in oriel college at oxford university
她将于九月中负笈英国牛津大学欧瑞尔学院( oriel college , oxford university )修读金融经济学硕士课程。

3.He did undergraduate studies at the university of london and postgraduate work at the oriel college oxford where he earned a doctorate of philosophy in social sciences

4.He was born in china during ww ii and educated in england . he did undergraduate studies at the university of london and postgraduate work at the oriel college oxford where he earned a doctorate of philosophy in social sciences

5.This text studies the origins and the development processes of the eva theory first , making reader have a clear picture of the domestic and international research the development condition of eva theory , then introduces the eva calculation formula of these oriels in details , and computes the adjustment item that eva need

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