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  作者:恒星英语学习网     所属分类:O开头的英语单词     

orville 是什么意思




1.That ' s what i ' ve been saying , but orville doesn ' t listen

2.Soon , orville and wilbur were publishing a weekly newspaper

3.Mr . fogg , my name is orville wright . this is my brother , wilbur

4.Orville , maybe now is not the time . let me explain it to mr . fogg

5." hip , hip , hurray " . orville mason , you deserve the thanks of this country ! … three cheers for orville mason
奥维你?梅逊,你应该得到全国人民的感谢! … …为奥维尔?梅逊喝彩三声吧!

6.The first successful sustained powered flights in a heavier - than - air machine were made here by wilbur and orville wright on december 17 , 1903

7.The first succes * * * ul sustained powered flights in a he * * * ier - than - air machine were made here by wilbur and orville wright on december 17 , 1903

8.It was as though orville and wilbur wright had not just discovered powered flight but had built a plane with tray tables and a duty - free service

9.Long before wilbur and orville wright started building glider models , those determined bicycle mechanics realized that achieving controlled flight depended largely on finding means to regulate lateral ( side - to - side ) stability in the air

10.Following a hearty breakfast , we will visit the 770 ft . oroville dam , currently the highest dam in the united states , and enjoy the great view of america s greatest reservoir . we will then take a trip to the orville dam visitor center where you will watch a fascinating documentary and learn all about the construction and maintenance of the oroville dam
登上高达770英尺的全美国最高水坝,也是全美最大水坝之一的黄金水坝oroville dam ,在水坝上晨操,呼吸一下异常清新的空气以外,还可居高临下,观赏全美最大人造水库黄金湖及著名的羽毛河feather river 。

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