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  作者:恒星英语学习网     所属分类:O开头的英语单词     

ork 是什么意思




1.I ' m trying to do some rescue w . ork here , pal

2.Fuzzy neural netw ork is adopted to control the motion of rectifying mechanical device

3.This clan was once very powerful , and easily dominated ork society for a long time

4.The basic ork " boy " is a musclebound , hulking monster capable of ripping a man apart with its bare hands
兽人的基础部队? ? “小子”们,则是一群粗粗壮壮、肌肌肉肉,力气大得能空手撕白人的怪物。

5.They are always at odds with every other clan , over and above the inevitable animosity and constant feuding of the ork race

6.2 the tenderer shall fill in rates ` and amounts f ` or all items of w ` ork described in the bill of quantities , whether quantities are stated ` or not

7.Of all the ork warrior clanz , goffs are the most inspired by the thrill and thunder of battle , and are specialists in hand - to - hand combat

8.Cas ( communication automation system ) includes cabling system , broadband netw - ork system , mobile phone coverage system , cable tv and digital communication system

9.Abstract : the pricinple utilizing the manmachine [ cd * 2 environment system , the experience to hard increase whole level of safety w ork and the way of doing sth . are introduced

10.Educational background in business administration with major in secretarial science and two summers of full - time ork experience . working knowledge of all common office machines

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