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  作者:恒星英语学习网     所属分类:O开头的英语单词     

olfactometer 是什么意思


-metric ,-etry n.
An olfactometer is an instrument used to detect and measure ambient odor dilution. Olfactometers are used in conjunction with human subjects in laboratory settings, most often in market research, to quantify and qualify human olfaction.


1.Determination of the responses of cotton bollworm helicoverpa armigera to plant volatiles by selective olfactometer

2.Provided with additional fresh hosts at emergence and the early stage of adult , the females showed no increased preference to volatiles in the y - tube olfactometer

3.The learning behavior of scleroderma sichuanensis xiao fed on the fictitious hosts tenebrio molitor l . in the process of host foraging was studied using y - tube olfactometer

4.However , the number of hosts parasitized betwween chinese cabbage cultivars , or common cabbage cultivars was no difference . ( 4 ) the role of plant volatiles from the chinese cabbage and the common cabbage in host selection behaviour of d . semiclausum females was investigated by y - tube olfactometer

5.The results showed adult females preferred to lay more eggs on the chinese cabbage than on common cabbage . the amount eggs they laid on chinese cabbage cultivars or common cabbage cultivars were difference . ( 2 ) the role of plant volatiles from the chinese cabbage and common cabbage in host selection behaviour of p . xylostella adult was investigated by y - tube olfactometer

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