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  作者:恒星英语学习网     所属分类:O开头的英语单词     

orrin 是什么意思




1.So just give him a break . - thank you , orrin

2.- so just give him a break . - thank you , orrin

3." to be sure , " replied orrin , gaily
“当然好啦, ”奥林高兴地回答。

4.Orrin spence . brad cannot do this to us , all right

5.- who ' s orrin ? - orrin is the open spaces national director
-奥林是谁? -他是“空地”的全国主管

6.Call orrin spence and tell him that brad is trying to hijack my coalition

7.< i > what am i talking < / i > - - < i > okay , when orrin comes , i ' ll blow it . < / i >
我在说什么. . .好吧,奥林来的时候,我会表现不好

8." we ll drive down to delmonico s now and have something there , won t we , orrin ?
“我们现在就去德尔莫尼利饭店吃些东西好吗,奥林? ”

9.< i > and now he ' s here today to unnerve me so < / i > < i > that when orrin comes to town , i will blow it . < / i >

10.Several names are already circulating in washington : michael chertoff , the secretary of homeland security ; larry thompson , a senior vice - president at pepsico ; ted olson , a former solicitor - general ; orrin hatch , a senator
有几个名字在华盛顿早已传开了:国土安全部秘书迈克尔?切尔托夫,百事可乐高级副总拉瑞?汤姆森, ,前副检察长西奥多?奥尔森,参议员奥里?哈奇。

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