

Source: 互联网    2013-01-04  我要投稿   论坛   Favorite  

2012 – Climate Change made headlines – Countries struggled between turmoil and transition – putting the United Nations to the test – to negotiate peace and define “A Future we Want” for all.

In SYRIA, violence spiralled out of control. Fighting and human rights abuses by government and opposition groups left, according to some estimates, over 40,000 people dead and forced hundreds of thousands to flee.

UN Secretary-General BAN Ki-moon: "We must stop the violence and the flow of arms to both sides and set in motion a Syrian led transition as soon as possible." The UN Security Council could not agree on action to stop the bloodshed.

US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton: “The international community should say with one voice – without hesitation or caveat – that the killing of innocent Syrians must stop and a political transition must begin.”But some argued for caution
美国国务卿希拉里 克林顿: “国际社会必须用同一声音,毫不犹豫或迟疑地表示,必须停止杀害无辜的叙利亚人,必须启动政治过渡。”但是也有观点表示要谨慎行事

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov: “There is no doubt whatsoever that the Syrian authorities bear a huge share of the responsibility for the situation, but one shouldn’t ignore the fact that for a long time now they’ve been fighting not unarmed men but combat units such as the Syrian Free Army and extremist groups including AlQaeda.”
俄罗斯外长谢尔盖 拉夫罗夫:“毫无疑问,叙利亚当局对当前局势负有很大责任。但任何人都不应无视以下事实,即长期以来,他们的交战对象不是非武装人员而是战斗部队,其中包括所谓的自由叙利亚军以及包括基地组织在内的极端团体。”

Syria's UN ambassador Bashar alJa'afari accused some council members of actually fuelling the flames:
叙利亚常驻联合国代表巴沙尔 贾法里指责安理会一些成员实际上在煽风点火。

"The same countries are undermining my country's sovereignty by encouraging terrorism and by supplying and providing all types of logistical and political support to armed groups in Syria.”

The Joint Special Envoys of UN and Arab League, Kofi Annan and later Lakhdar Brahimi, presented plans to end the violence and start dialogue, but the various Syrian parties failed to reach an agreement to end the conflict.
联合国和阿盟联合特使科菲 安南以及接替他的联合特别代表卜拉希米提出了旨在结束暴力、开启对话的计划,但叙利亚各方未能就停止冲突达成协议。

The Security Council sent 300 unarmed observers to investigate alleged massacres and other human rights violations and monitor a ceasefire that never really took hold.

While the violence continues, the humanitarian needs are escalating in Syria and beyond. The World Food Program is scaling up to feed 1.5 million people in the country.

In GAZA, a new cycle of violence erupted after months of standstill in negotiations between the Palestinians and Israel. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon headed to the region to personally appeal for a ceasefire.

In late November a great majority of countries approved a UN General Assembly resolution to elevate Palestine to a non-member observer state at the UN.

LIBYA saw its first free and transparent elections in half a century. The UN Development Program assisted in setting up voting booths and ballot boxes, while the UN Mine Action Program removed 180 thousand explosives all over the country to help create stability and prevent arms smuggling across the region.

Instability and turmoil in nearby MALI. After a military coup toppled the government, Islamic Jihadists used the power vacuum to occupy the country’s north. Refugees have flooded the Sahel region, which is suffering from drought and pervasive poverty.

The African Union urged the UN Security Council to endorse military intervention to free Northern Mali from the extremists.

African Union’s Permanent Observer to the UN, Antonio Tete:“Mali is at a crossroads. Time is of essence. We need to act fast and to send a clear and strong message (on the resolve of international community and its support to the African-led efforts.)”
非洲联盟常驻联合国观察员泰特 安东尼奥:“马里正处于十字路口。时间至关重要。我们需要迅速采取行动,并且发出明确、强有力的信号,表明国际社会有决心,并且支持非洲主导的努力。”

In the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo, renewed fighting between government forces and rebel troops left 2 million people displaced and a million vulnerable children at even greater risk. As rebel soldiers advanced on the city of Goma in late November, the UN peacekeeping mission deployed attack helicopters to help the national army protect civilians amid the violence.

A first Birthday for SOUTH SUDAN – as diplomatic efforts by the UN Security Council help to ease tensions with neighbour Sudan over unresolved issues such as its borders and oil production.

US Ambassador Susan Rice: "The agreements that were signed last week in Addis on security, oil, finances, nationality and trade issues were very important and potentially historic.”
美国常驻联合国代表苏珊 赖斯:“上周在亚的斯亚贝巴签署的有关安全、石油、财务、国籍和贸易问题的协议非常重要,可能是历史性的。”

Nuclear worries about IRAN – as world leaders continue to question the country’s uranium enrichment programme:

Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu: “A red line should be drawn right here, before Iran completes a second stage of nuclear enrichment necessary to make a bomb.”

Iran insisted on the peacefulness of its nuclear program – and President Ahmadinejad accused the General Assembly of applying double standards: “The United Nations - which were created with the purpose of expanding justice and re-instituting universal rights - have in practice been engulfed by discrimination, preparing a supportive ground for the domination of a few powerful countries.

MYANMAR’s Nobel laureate and prodemocracy activist Aung Sun Suu Kyi received a hero’s welcome at the UN in Geneva and New York. Elected to parliament after years of house arrest, she invited international aid to build a better future for her country:

“If we all want to achieve genuine democracy for Burma, we have to learn to work together.”

2012 – Storms and severe weather left countries ravaged across the globe – a stark reminder that the threat of Climate Change is real.

Action on Climate Change was a major topic at the UN’s Rio+20 summit in Brazil, where 40 thousand people gathered to discuss developmental strategies for the 21st Century.

Ban Ki-moon: “We are on a dangerous road. We cannot continue to burn and consume our way to prosperity at the expense of the world’s poor and the global environment. (cutaway) My message to world leaders is clear: Sustainable Development is an idea whose time has come.”

At the summit 191 countries agreed on an outcome document, called “A Future we Want”.

A Future that has already started in Indonesia, where the UN inspired project “Teens go Green” motivates students from all over the country to make environmental protection a priority.

“We have to work on changing our mindset. If teenagers get to know the issues then we can keep the commitment to the environment going in the future.”
新闻系学生克劳蒂欧 范 纳苏逊:“我们必须致力于改变我们的思维方式。如果青少年了解这些问题,那么我们就可以在未来保持对环境的承诺。”

Young people everywhere are contributing to the changes. But no one more so than the year’s youngest – and possibly greatest – hero, Malala Yousafzai, a 15-year old girl from Pakistan, who survived an assassination attempt by Taliban gunmen, who accused her of promoting education for girls.

Ban Ki-moon:“The terrorists showed what frightens them most: A girl with a book.”

2012 will be remembered as complex and challenging year for the United Nations. Conflict, poverty, natural disasters, terrorism, climate change and human rights violations continue to plague humankind. The United Nations remains the global forum for discussing and solving some of the world’s most difficult problems. Carrying the torch for all these issues, Ban Ki-moon, at the Olympics in London, implored the world to keep the fire burning, for tolerance, peace and harmony. For “The Future we Want”.


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