

Source: CCTV9  恒星英语编译  2012-03-18  我要投稿   论坛   Favorite  

A group of Chinese authors on Thursday went to the tech giant's Beijing office to discuss their works - unauthorized - that have shown up in the App Store.

This comes after the group filed a lawsuit against Apple last December, saying the American company wasn’t doing enough to take the content off the store. The two parties spoke for about an hour. In the end, Apple’s Beijing office says the US headquarters will deal with the situation.

According to the Chinese writers, Apple is all talk and no action.

Bei Zhicheng, representative of Writers Rights League said: "They say the matter is now in the hands of their US headquarters, and no one from China can say anything. They tell us to wait patiently for calls from lawyers sent by the company. But about five minutes ago, a man says Apple’s Beijing office asked him to contact with me. Then I asked him whether he has authorization from the US headquarters. But he just say come to talk if we want, with very bad attitude."
作家维权联盟的代表Bei Zhicheng表示:“他们说问题现在是美国总部在处理,中国公司的任何人不能发表任何言论。他们告诉我们耐心等待公司派来的律师的电话。但是5分钟之前,一个男人称苹果的北京办公室叫他跟我联系。然后我问他,他是否有美国总部的授权。但是他说如果我们想要,他就过来谈谈,他的态度非常差。”

This isn’t the first time the writers’ right league has tried to negotiate with the company. They even took Apple to court earlier this year, but there have been no results yet. Anyone can still download the unauthorized books from the App Store.

Ms. Yan from Beijing said: "I download some books to read on the subway. They’re all free on the App Store."

Many Apple users in China are unaware that certain books might be unauthorized.

Apple fan from Beijing said: "I think everything downloaded from the App Store is authorized."

But the truth is many are not.

Author Mai Jia said: "Five of my books are offered in certain Apps for free. But I didn’t give them permission."
作家Mai Jia表示:“我的五本书在苹果应用商店上是免费提供的。但是我没有给予他们许可。”

And it’s not just popular contemporary works. A number of classic novels and audio books have also been pirated. The publisher of White Deer Plain says it hasn’t allowed any e-version sales on the Internet.

Pan Kaixiong, proprietor of People’s literature Publishing House said: "We haven’t given authorization to Apple."
人民文学出版社的所有人Pan Kaixiong称:“我们没有授权给苹果。”

Unauthorized films are also showing up in the App Store. Letv, an online video service provider, purchased online broadcasting rights for the movie "Painted Skin" for a large sum of money. But in the App Store, customers can spend less than 1 US dollar to get the film.

Liu Xiaoqing, director with Legal Affairs Department of Letv said: "It cost 99 US cents to watch Painted Skin in the App Store. But we didn’t authorize it. It does our business a lot of harm."
Letv法律事务处主任Liu Xiaoqing表示:“在苹果应用商店上,看《画皮》要花99美分。但是我们没有授权给苹果。这给我们的生意造成很大伤害。”

To protect their rights, some writers and publishers formed an action group, the Writers Rights League, to sue Apple. They are asking for over 10 million yuan, or more than 1.2 million US dollars in compensation for losses.


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