

Source: 恒星英语学习网    2015-09-07  我要投稿   论坛   Favorite  

[06:10.89]1.Reading comprehension
[06:15.93]THE HURRICANG(2)
[06:20.40]A great many parks lost trees in the hurricane.
[06:25.44]Three famous parks in and around London had ovr 1,400 trees blown over.
[06:33.48]Kew Gardens is an old and famous research centre for plants in the London area.
[06:40.25]For centuries travellers have returned from abroad
[06:45.21]with seeds and young plants to add to the centre's collection.
[06:50.85]It has therefore a large number of old and unusual trees.
[06:56.81]Altogether the centre lost more than 1,000 trees in the hurricane.
[07:02.97]One tree which dated from 1761
[07:07.94]was blown over and many other valuable trees were lost.
[07:13.08]Later on the centre had a large number of new trees planted.
[07:18.65]Woods and forests in the southeast were completely destroyed.
[07:24.32]Millions of young trees have already been planted
[07:29.28]to take the place of those which were blown over.
[07:33.83]But it will be more than 100 years before the country begins once again
[07:39.70]to look as it did before.
[07:43.26]Surprisingly,the weather report on the evening before the storm
[07:49.11]said there would be strong winds,but not a hurricane.
[07:54.15]In fact,an expert who was studying the weather rang up the BBC
[08:00.03]to ask if a hurricane was on its way.
[08:04.15]The weatherman in his TV broadcast repeated this to millions of people
[08:10.68]and then said that there would be no hurricane.
[08:15.05]The next day he had a very red face.


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