[by:喜欢Hxen.com,请把Hxen.com告诉你QQ上的5位好友,多谢支持!] [00:00.00]恒星英语学习网 Unit 11 Hurricane! [00:04.18]Lesson 41 [00:07.24]1.Dialogue [00:10.89]Jane and Pippa have just returned form walking in the hills. [00:16.46]Pippa's parents have been waiting for them. [00:20.40]Good heavens!There you are! [00:24.76]Is there anything the matter? [00:28.03]We were getting very worried. [00:31.37]There's no need to be worried.We're both fine. [00:36.05]Look at your clothes!Where have you been? [00:40.41]We've been anxious about you. [00:44.77]We were expecting you back much earlier. [00:49.53]We couldn't get across the river. [00:53.47]The bridge has been washed away by the floods. [00:58.20]So we had to find another way back. [01:02.75]Then we had to walk across some very wet ground. [01:08.49]That's how we got so wet and dirty. [01:12.62]We had to climb over some rocks and it atarted to rain. [01:18.29]Fortunately,we could see where we were going; [01:22.65]it just took us a long time to get over the rocks. [01:27.69]What's the matter with your foot,Jane? [01:31.85]My shoe has been pressing against my foot,so it hurts a bit. [01:38.22]It was getting very windy in the hills. [01:42.66]Yes.We've just heard a warning on the radio that a hurricane is likely to come. [01:49.64]That's why we were getting anxious about you. [01:54.00]Lesson 42 [02:02.96]2.Reading comprehension [02:08.00]Read the passage to find the answers to these questions: [02:13.36]1.Why did the hurricane cause so much damage? [02:19.23]2.Who helped to get things back to normal after the hurricane? [02:25.58]THE HURRICANE(1) [02:30.02]On Friday 16th October,1987,a hurricane struck the southeast of England. [02:38.35]Between the hours of midnight and 6 a.m. [02:43.11]the hurricane crossed the southeast corner of England [02:48.46]with winds of up to 160 kph. [02:53.82]Nineteen people lost their lives. [02:58.86]If the hurricane had happened during the day-time, [03:03.72]there would have been many more deaths. [03:07.79]England usually has plenty of rain every month of the year. [03:13.96]And Scotland sometimes has very strong winds, especially in winter. [03:20.44]However,that night was the worst one in history. [03:26.39]It had been raining heavily for two days and the ground was very wet. [03:32.64]Besides,it was autumn and therefore the trees still had their leaves on. [03:38.59]For these reasons,the strong winds pushed over the trees very easily. [03:45.25]In the morning people woke up [03:49.69]and found the world outside their houses completely changed. [03:55.44]Fifteen million trees had been blown down by the high winds, [04:01.50]blocking roads, paths and railway lines. [04:06.78]Electricity lines as well as telephone poles [04:12.13]were brought down by falling trees or branches. [04:16.78]Many towns and villages had their water supply cut off [04:21.54]because there was no electricity. [04:25.09]The people who had water offered baths to their neighbours. [04:30.24]Many people had to use lamps,as there was no electricity. [04:35.88]Many people had lucky escapes. [04:40.24]One woman was lying in bed,awake,listening to the rushing winds. [04:46.20]A tree fell onto her cottage and onto the other half of her bed. [04:51.76]One family lived in a house with very tall trees all around. [04:57.72]When the winds started to get strong, [05:02.08]the family decided that it was not safe to remain in the house. [05:07.44]They took plastic sheets and blankets into a field nearby [05:13.60]and spent the rest of the night there. [05:17.47]One tree fell onto the house [05:21.23]and one of its branches broke the bed in which the daughter had been sleeping. [05:26.69]It took weeks to clear all the roads [05:31.23]and to mend all the broken electricity lines and telephone lines. [05:37.01]The army was called in to cut through fallen trees [05:41.68]and to help clear the roads and paths. [05:46.12]Electricity and telephone workers from other parts of Britain [05:50.48]travelled south to help repair the damage. [05:55.16]They worked long hours for several weeks before everything returned to normal. [06:01.64]Lesson 43 [06:10.89]1.Reading comprehension [06:15.93]THE HURRICANG(2) [06:20.40]A great many parks lost trees in the hurricane. [06:25.44]Three famous parks in and around London had ovr 1,400 trees blown over. [06:33.48]Kew Gardens is an old and famous research centre for plants in the London area. [06:40.25]For centuries travellers have returned from abroad [06:45.21]with seeds and young plants to add to the centre's collection. [06:50.85]It has therefore a large number of old and unusual trees. [06:56.81]Altogether the centre lost more than 1,000 trees in the hurricane. [07:02.97]One tree which dated from 1761 [07:07.94]was blown over and many other valuable trees were lost. [07:13.08]Later on the centre had a large number of new trees planted. [07:18.65]Woods and forests in the southeast were completely destroyed. [07:24.32]Millions of young trees have already been planted [07:29.28]to take the place of those which were blown over. [07:33.83]But it will be more than 100 years before the country begins once again [07:39.70]to look as it did before. [07:43.26]Surprisingly,the weather report on the evening before the storm [07:49.11]said there would be strong winds,but not a hurricane. [07:54.15]In fact,an expert who was studying the weather rang up the BBC [08:00.03]to ask if a hurricane was on its way. [08:04.15]The weatherman in his TV broadcast repeated this to millions of people [08:10.68]and then said that there would be no hurricane. [08:15.05]The next day he had a very red face.