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天线宝宝家族由4个可爱的天线宝宝和一个太阳娃娃组成。四个可爱的天线宝宝丁丁(TINKY WINKY)、迪西(DIPSY)、拉拉(LAA-LAA)、波(Po)生活在宝宝乐园里,每天都发生着许多有趣的故事。本文通过一些简单的英语新词和词组来进行学习,大家一起来看看吧!

Playing in the rian

1.All the teletubbies were very very happy. 所有的天线宝宝都非常忙。

2.jump 跳

eg.They are jumping around the tree.他们正围着树跳。

3.tired 累

eg.After working po feels tired.工作之后,波觉得累了。

4.can't wait to ...迫不及待去...

eg.I can't wait to go out there to get wet.我迫不及待要去淋雨了。

5.I need some help。我需要帮助。

6.My clothes are getting wet. 我的衣服湿掉了。

7.Mind the puddle! 小心水坑!

8.put it in the bag   把它放到包里

9.She fell dowm from the table.她从桌子上摔了下来。

10.Tinky Winky followed the footprints. 丁丁跟着那些脚印走去。