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少儿英语动画故事 05

Boomer was just settling down after his morning work,when suddenly,someone called his name .Then ,Boomer saw his leash .boomer was very excited-he thought he was going for another walk.But instead,Boomer and his owner raced outside,down the diverway,and onto a big yellow bus.Boomer was going for a ride.The bus stopped again and again.Boomer had never been on a ride with so many children.The ride was very noisy.After a while,the bus stopped in front of a big building.The children climbed out.Boomer climbed ,too.He was quikeli led inside,up some stairs,around the corner and down a hallway.Finally,Boomer's owner stopped at an open door.Boomer looked in .It was a room filled with desks, tables ,chairs, and children.After Boomer was led to the back of the room,a loud bell rang.A groudup started talking.Everyone sat down and listened.When the groungup finished talking,the children jumped up form their seats.Boomer was let off his leash .He didn't known what to do first!They was toys to share.....picture to paint...games to play and best of all...there was lunch.After lunch,Boomer watched as the children gathered together and sat in a circle.Boomr was ready for the next game.But this time ,all the children sat quietly.Boomer started to get up,but he was told to sit down.Boomer wiggled and squirmed.He was tolg sit still.Boomer barked and barked .He was told to be quiet.Boomer was very confused.Then ,Boomer was led to the center of the cicle.He was still wiggled and squirmed.Boomer's owner started talkin-sharing stories about Boomer and showing him to the class.Suddenly ,a loud bell rang and it was to take another bus ride.At each bus stop,Boomer's new friends patted him good-bey.Then the bus stopped at Boomer'huose.Boomer wagged his tail and bounded off the bus for home.