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《英语口语 一语千说》第六篇 友好交际(二) 11劝说,许诺与命令
2. 多种表达

Hold it!


Knock it off!


Wait a minute, please!

Just a minute, please!

Give me a minute!

Be quiet!

Stop quiet!

Don't do that.

Stop it!

Don't cut!

Get in line!

Please go to ithe end of the line.

Please line up.

Please queue up.

Please form a line.

Leave me alone.

Don't bother me.

Don't push!

Quit pushing!

Get your hands off me!

Don't touch me!

Get out!

Go away!

Get out of here!

Don't be a blabber mouth!

Don't blab this to anyone!

Don't be so talkative.

Keep your lips sealed.

Don't tell anyone my secret.

Stay out of this!

Mind your own business!

Don't get involved.

Don't get in my way!

Don't be in the way!

Shut up!

Shut your mouth!

Don't say any more.

Kneel down!

Get down on your knees.

On your knees.

Trust me!

I can keep my promise.

You can depend on me.

He means what he says.

He is a man of his word.

He is a dependable man.

He will let you down.

He will disappoint you.

I promise!

I swear!

Can you give me some advice?

Could I ask for some advice?

Your advice is highly valued.

Your advice is greatly appreciated.

There is something in what you said.

What you said makes sense.

I am sure I'll give up this chance.

I am really going to give up this chance.

Don't lose heart.

Don't be discouraged.

Don't belittle yourself.
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