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英语口语练习小对话 第878期:走漏风声;泄露机密


1. endure :忍受;容忍

e.g. I can't endure that woman.我对那个女人忍无可忍。

e.g. I can't endure to see/seeing children suffer. 看着儿童受苦, 我可受不了。

2. bear:忍受; 忍耐; 承受

e.g. The pain was almost more than he could bear. 这样的痛苦几乎使他受不了。

e.g. He can't bear to be laughed at/bear being laughed at. 他禁不住拿他取笑。



1. Endure是指经受长期的艰难、困苦或折磨而不屈服,强调持久力和意志坚强。要特别注意“长期”二字。例如:

He endured three years in prison for his religious beliefs.他因其宗教信仰而忍受系狱三年之苦。

The little boy found it difficult to endure spending his summer holidays with his Uncle.这小男孩觉得难以忍受与他的叔叔在一起度过暑期。

2. Bear侧重强调某人的心理或身体承受能力,强调忍受者对痛苦、忧虑、烦恼以及责任的承受力。例如:

The strain must have been enormous but she bore it well.当时的压力想必很大,但她还是承受下来。

She bore her sorrow without complaint.她毫无怨言地忍受着悲痛。

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