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9.1.9 旅程安排
1.9 Trip Arrangements 旅程安排

M: Well, that's it. 7 appointments in Paris at beginning of next week, and 4 in Frankfurt at the end of the week.

W: It's certainly a tight schedule.

M: Now it's a question of getting there. I need a flight to Paris on Sunday evening and a hotel in Paris for 3 nights. I have to be in Frankfurt by 11:00 on Thursday morning. And I will need a hotel for one night. I will head home on Friday.

W: At what time?

M: My last appointment is at 3:00, so I should be free by 5:00 at the very latest. I think I could get to the airport by 6:00.

W: Do you know how far you will be from the airport at 5:00?

M: No, not really.

W: So you are not sure how long it will take to get there?

M: No, but I am sure it won't take more than an hour.

W: Don't forget it's Friday nighty. If Frankfurt's anything like London, everybody will be leaving for the weekend. It will be a rush hour and traffic might be moving very slowly.

M: You are a pessimist.

W: I am a realist.