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9.1.8 会议安排
1.8 Meeting Arrangements 会议安排

M: Jane, we are going to have a board meeting next Friday. Will you please arrange it for me?

W: Certainly, Mr. Robert. But can I have your plan?

M: Sure. Actually it's a routine board meeting. The things to be discussed are all written here.

W: Very good. May I keep it? I need it to draw up a notice of the meeting and the agenda.

M: Go ahead. It's for your reference. While you are at it, make me a special agenda and don't forget to have enough room at the side for notes.

W: You mean you need a more detailed agenda for yourself?

M: Exactly. As I am supposed to the chair of the meeting, I don't want it to get out of control.

W: I see. Ok, then where do you think we will have the meeting?

M: The conference room on the second floor, is that ok?

W: Yes, I will see that the room is ready by Friday. And I will check there are enough chairs, and the lighting and air-conditioning are all right.

M: Good, and please get some water, glasses and ash tray ready as well.

W: Sure, I will. What about the minutes? Do you think I am responsible for that too?

M: Definitely. The minutes have to be taken accurately.

W: But I am not familiar with the members of the board.

M: Oh, that's easy. I will write you a list of their names. You can make a seating plan with the names and give each one a number.

W: That's a good idea. All right, I’ll withdraw and get down to it if you don't mind.