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A:Hey, what are you doing?


J:I overheard two students talking about Lei Zhang’s donation to Yale University. I had heard a little about the matter, now I’m learning the details.

J:刚才无意听到两个学生在谈论张磊向耶鲁大学捐款的事。之前我只是略有耳闻, 现在想详细了解一下。

A:I’ve heard of that news, too. He made a contribution of $8,888,888 to Yale, didn’t he?

A:我也听说过那个新闻。他向耶鲁捐赠了 8,888,888美元,是吗?

J:That’s right. It amounts to RMB 60,000,000 and more.


A:That’s a lot of money!


J:A storm of protest has evidently broken out in China expressing unease and anger over this donation. Many people scolded him for donating so much money to a foreign university instead of his Alma Mater-Renmin University of China. They said he forgot his origin.

J:很明显,这在中国掀起一股反对之声,纷纷表达对张磊此次捐款的不安与愤怒。 很多人责骂他,把这么大一笔钱捐给一所国外大学,而不捐给自己的母校——中 国人民大学。他们说他忘了本。

A:To my knowledge,on the reason why he donated to Yale, Zhang said Yale had changed his life. Yale must have really made a big difference in the man’s life.

A:据我所知,在说到给耶鲁捐款的原因时,张磊说耶鲁改变了他的一生。耶鲁大学 在他的生命中,肯定有很重要的地位吧。

J:Indeed, it is said that Lei Zhang started Hillhouse Capital Management with $30,000,000 from Yale’s endowments. So his performance is understandable.

J:确实是这样。据说,张磊的高瓴资本管理有限公司正是用耶鲁绾的3000万美元 捐赠基金才得以起步的。这样看来,他的行为就可以理解了。

A: Yale treats its students generously,and its students will remember the school’s kindness and return the favor after graduation. What could be a more ideal relationship than this?


J: Yes. It’s a question worth careflil deliberation. Why a foreign university can attract so much money from a Chinese student while Chinese universities can not?

j:是的,这个问题值得深思。为什么一所外国大学能吸引_名中国学生如此之多的 捐款,而中国大学却不能?

A: Well, I think the matter is complicated. It’s a matter of culture as well as social circumstances. Hopefully, in the near future, our education system could be sound enough to attract Lei Zhangs.

A:哦,我觉得此事并不简单。这与文化及社会环境有关。希望在不久的将来,我们 的教育体系也可以完善到能够吸引像张磊这样的捐赠者。

J: In fact, many American universities count on alumni endowments. Yale is one of the most successful ones. It has been a private university since 1817 and had undergone a harsh time on her road to independence. With no government appropriation,alumni,s donations have been vital to the university.

J:事实上,许多美国大学都倚赖校友捐赠,而耶鲁是其中较成功的一所。从1817 年起,耶鲁就是一所私立大学,自立之路充满艰辛。设有了政府拨款,校友的捐 助对这所大学来说,尤为重要。

A: Is there any organization operating the system, or do alumni donate directly to the school?


J: Sure. There are many Yale alumni groups all around the world.


A: How much do you know? Tell me about it.


J: There are over 140 domestic Yale clubs and associations and more than 40 international clubs providing a “Yale away from Yale”.

J:耶鲁大学有140多个国内俱乐部和协会,还有40多个国际俱乐部,这些组织共 同打造了_所耶鲁之外的耶鲁”。

A: What do you mean by “Yale away from Yale”?

A: “耶鲁之外的耶鲁"?什么意思啊?

J: These clubs and associations keep alumni connected to the University, to their local communities, and to each other. No matter how long you have graduated from the university, these alumni groups will keep in touch changes of Yale in time.

J:这些俱乐部和协会将校友们与学校、当地社区,以及与其他校友联系在一起。不 论你已经毕业了多久,这些校友组织都会与你保持联络,并及时告知耶鲁的新变化。

A: How do these organizations operate with you and inform you the new


J: These alumni groups are run by volunteers and reflect Yale’s core values of education, community and service. Yale clubs offer alumni a wide variety of activities, services, and opportunities.

J:都是由志愿者管理的;这也反映了耶鲁教育的核心价值观——集体意识与服务意 识。这些俱乐部为校友们提供丰富多彩的活动、各种各样的服务和机会。

A: I see. Through these activities, the sense of community gets reinforced.


J: You’re right. These alumni groups provide valuable resources. You can rekindle  old friendships, make new acquaintances, continue lifelong learning, enjoy special events, and explore professional opportunities.

J:是的。这些组织能够提供许多有价值的资源。这里,你可以重温老友谊、结识新 朋友、继续终身学习、享受特别的活动,还可以探索职业机会。

A: In this way, more and more Yalies achieve success through mutual aid, and in turn they will think of paying back for all these good things their Alma Mater provides.

A:这样一来,更多的耶鲁人通过互助取得成功;反过来,他们也会想到去回报自己 的母校,是母校提供了这些好的机遇。

J: Yeah. What’s more, The Association of Yale Alumni oversees the direction of all these alumni organizations and programs, so that they’ll function very well.

J:是的。另外,耶鲁大学校友总会负责监督所有校友组织的活动,以确保它们发挥 应有的作用。

A: It must be a huge alumni system. No wonder Yale has grown up to be such a powerful university. It’s a community of all its alumni.

A:那一定是个庞大的校友系统。难怪耶鲁这么强大,它是一个由全体校友组成的集 ^本。