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  garrulous:饶舌的, 多嘴的, tiresomely talkative

  1)talkative, generally in a rambling or annoying way

  2)tending to talk a lot

  3)extremely talkative, wordy

  4)啰嗦的,话多得令人厌烦的: given to excessive and often trivial or rambling talk;tiresomely talkative

  5)verbose;talkative;rambling: "We tried to avoid our garrulous neighbor."

  Synonyms: garrulity, diffuse, verbose, wordy;talkative, chatty, loquacious, voluble

  garrulous <> laconic, straightforward, taciturn;reserved, reticent


  1.garrulous traveling companions 多话的旅伴

  2.I was hoping to rest during the flight, but unfortunately I was seated next to a garrulous young man.

  fussy: careful =garrulous: talkative 吹毛求疵的:仔细的=话多的:健谈的

  考法 1 adj.啰嗦的,话多得令人厌烦的:given to excessive and often trivial or rambling talk;tiresomely talkative

  garrulous: talkative

  garrulous/loquacious: words=prodigal: money 多话的说说话=浪费的多花钱(正面特征)

  garrulous: talkative=fussy: careful 话多的:健谈的=吹毛求疵的:仔细的(褒贬关系)

  prodigal: money=garrulous/loquacious: words 浪费的多花钱=多话的多说话(正面特征

  (反)garrulity à taciturnity 啰嗦 à 沉默寡言
