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高中英语 语法陷阱题800例-代词



7. These trousers are dirty and wet — I’ll change into my _____.

A. another                                                B. trousers

C. others                                                  D. other


【分析】最佳答案为C。是从语法上看,another 后通常接单数名词,而不接trousers 这样的复数名词(若用 another pair 则可以);也不能选 trousers 是因为填它句子意思不通。最佳答案应选C,others 相当于 other trousers,其中的 other 与前面的 these 相对照。

8. Her lecture was hard to follow because she kept jumping from one subject to _____.

A. other                                                   B. the other

C. the others                                             D. another

【陷阱】容易误选B。选择依据可能是one … the other …这一常用结构。

【分析】最佳答案为D。使用one … the other … 时,我们通常是针对两者而言的,即指“两者中的一个……,另一个……”;如果所谈论的情况不是针对两者而言的,而是针对多者而言的,那么我们就不宜在 one 后使用 the other,而考虑用 another。又如(答案均选D,即选 another):

(1) Those cakes look delicious. Could I have _____ one?

A. other                                                   B. the other

C. the others                                             D. another

(2) I have many such novels. I’ll bring _____ tomorrow.

A. other                                                   B. the other

C. the others                                             D. another

(3) Saying is one thing and doing is _____.

A. other                                                   B. the other

C. the others                                             D. another


(1) Shut ____ eye, Jim.

A. another                                                B. some other

C. other                                                    D. the other

答案选D,因为人的眼睛只有两只,故用 one … the other … 结构。

(2) It’s sometimes hard to tell one twin from _____.

A. another                                                B. some other

C. other                                                    D. the other

答案选D,twin 意为“孪生子之一”、“双胞胎之一”,即指两者之一,故用 one … the other … 这一结构。

9. There are four bedrooms, ______ with its own bathroom.

A. all                                                       B. each

C. every                                                   D. either

此题容易误选A,认为既然前面出现了 four bedrooms,故填 all 与之对应。其实,此题的最佳答案应为B,原因是空格后的隐藏信息 its,它表示空格处应填一个单数代词,但是不能选C,因为 every 不能这样单独使用。

10. “It’s said that he is a wise leader.” “Oh, no, he is _____ but a wise leader.”

A. anything                                              B. anyone

C. anybody                                               D. anywhere


【分析】其实,正确答案应选A。因为 anything but 是习语,意为“根本不是”或“一点也不”,不仅可用于事物,也可用于人。如:

I’ll do anything but that. 我绝不会干那种事。

The party was anything but a success. 晚会根本不成功。

Her father was anything but a poet. 她父亲根本不是诗人。

Such a man was anything but a hero. 那样的人绝不算英雄。

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