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To record press both buttons. 录音时须按双钮。

To avoid any delay please phone your order direct. 为免延误,请直接打电话预订。

To save class time, our teacher has us students do half of the exercises in class and complete the other half for our homework. 为了节约课堂时间,我们的老师要求我们学生在课堂上做一半练习,剩下的一半在课后作为家庭作业完成。


The Government set up a working party to look into the problem. 政府成立了工作组调查那个问题。(调查那个问题=目的是为了调查那个问题)

Doctors worked through the night to save the life of the injured man. 医生彻夜工作以拯救伤者的生命。(以拯救伤者的生命=目的是为了拯救伤者的生命)



To illustrate my point I have done a comparative analysis. 为说明我的观点,我做了对比分析。

I have done a comparative analysis to illustrate my point. 我做了对比分析来说明我的观点。

有时为了特别强调目的状语,可以在不定式之前加上in order或so as,即构成in order to do sth和so as to do sth结构。如:

Many farmers fertilize their crops in order to make them grow more quickly. 许多农民给庄稼施肥,为的是让庄稼长得更快些。

I’ll write down his telephone number so as not to forget it. 我要把他的电话号码写下来,以免忘记。



He turned his head around to look at people. 他扭头看人。


To kill bugs, spray the area regularly. 为了杀死臭虫,这地方要经常喷洒(药水)。



1. When asked why he went there, he said he was sent there _________ for a space flight. (江西卷)

A. training       B. being trained     C. to have trained    D. to be trained


2. The children talked so loudly at dinner table that I had to struggle _________.

A. to be heard         B. to have heard       C. hearing                  D. being heard

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