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1. A red sky in the morning _______ to be a sign of bad weather.

A. says                  B. is saying           C. is said           D. is being said

2. The book _______ for anyone who wants to learn more about the Internet.

A. is intended      B. has intended   C. is intending     D. will intend

3. Blood is the medium in which oxygen _______ to all parts of the body.

A. is carried          B. has carried       C. is carrying        D. will carry

4. If the package _______ well, we assume the contents are also wonderful.

A. is wrapped      B. has wrapped    C. is wrapping      D. will wrap

5. Both hydrogen and oxygen are elements, but water, which _______ when they combine, is not.

A. is formed         B. has formed       C. is forming         D. will form

6. The swimmer hung on to the rope and _______ to safety.

A. is pulled           B. has pulled        C. was pulled       D. was pulling

7. Einstein _______ the Nobel Prize for his contribution to Quantum Theory.

A. is awarded      B. has awarded    C. was awarded   D. was awarding

8. They ought to have arrived at lunchtime but the flight _______.

A. is delayed        B. has delayed     C. was delayed    D. was delaying

9. The crunch came when she _______ to choose between her marriage and her career.

A. is forced           B. has forced        C. was forced       D. was forcing

10. I _______ to wait four hours before I was examined by a doctor.

A. made                B. has made         C. was made        D. was making

11. Anyone seen carrying boxes, bags, or whatever, _______ by the police.

A. stopped            B. has stopped     C. was stopped    D. was stopping

12. I can’t turn a blind eye when someone _______.

A. has robbed      B. was robbed      C. was robbing     D. is being robbed

13. The dealer will provide you with a courtesy car while your vehicle_______.

A. has repaired   B. was repaired    C. is being repaired       D. was been repaired

14. The Olympic torch is carried by runners to the place where the games _______.

A. has held          B. was held           C. are being held    D. were been held

15. He apologized to the people who _______.

A. affected           B. has affected     C. have been affected  D. had been affected


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