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牛津书虫系列《格林·盖布尔斯来的安妮》Chapter1 附中英双语文本

They were now driving past some very old apple trees next to the road. The trees were full of sweet-smelling, snowy- white flowers. The little girl looked at them.
'Aren't the trees beautiful? 'she said happily. 'But am I talking too much? Please tell me. I can stop if necessary, you know. '
Matthew smiled at her. 'You go on talking, 'he answered. 'I like listening to you. '
When they arrived at Green Gables, Marilla came to the door to meet them. But when she saw the little girl, she cried in surprise, 'Matthew, who's that? Where's the boy? '
'The children's home has made a mistake, 'he said unhappily, 'and sent a girl, not a boy. '
The child was listening carefully. Suddenly she put her head in her hands and began to cry.
'You—you don't want me! 'she sobbed. 'Oh—oh! You don't want me because I'm not a boy! '
'Now, now, don't cry, 'said Marilla kindly.
'Don't you understand? Oh! This is the worst thing that's happened to me in all my life! '
'Well, you can stay here, just for tonight, 'said Marilla. 'Now, what's your name? '
The child stopped crying. 'Will you please call me Cordelia? ' she asked.
'Call you Cordelia? Is that your name? '
'Well, no, it isn't, but it's a very beautiful name, isn't it? I like to imagine my name is Cordelia, because my real name is Anne Shirley—and that's not a very interesting name, is it? '
Marilla shook her head. 'The child has too much imagina-tion, 'she thought.
Later, when Anne was in bed, Marilla said to her brother, 'She must go back to the children's home tomorrow. '
'Marilla, don't you think…'began Matthew. 'she's a nice little thing, you know. '
'Matthew Cuthbert, are you telling me that you want to keep her? 'asked Marilla crossly.
Matthew looked uncomfortable. 'Well, she's clever, and interesting, and—'
'But we don't need a girl! '
'But perhaps she needs us, 'Matthew replied, surprisingly quickly for him. 'She's had a very unhappy life up to now, Marilla. She can help you in the house. I can get a boy from the village to help me on the farm. What do you think? '
Marilla thought for a long time. 'All right, 'she said in the end, 'I agree. The poor child can stay. I'll look after her. '
Matthew smiled happily. 'Be as good and kind to her as you can, Marilla. I think she needs a lot of love. '

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