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洪恩环境英语第八册练习 14

[00:24.61]I will.           I will be an archaeologist.
[00:23.61]Now take your pencil and a piece of paper.
[00:22.61]You're going to hear some statements about experts
[00:21.61]and the fields of study they work in.
[00:20.61]First listen.Don't write anything.Ready?
[00:19.61]An archaeologist works in archaeology.
[00:18.61]An anthropologist works in anthropology.
[00:17.61]A dentist works in dentistry.
[00:16.61]An economist works in economics.
[00:15.61]Some experts are called sociologists,psychologists,geologists,and zoologists.
[00:14.61]Their fields of study are called sociology,psychology,geology,and zoology.
[00:13.61]Other fields of study are called chemistry,art,journalism,and physics.
[00:12.61]The experts in those fields are called chemists,artists,journalists,and physicists.
[00:11.61]A botanist works in botany,a linguist works in linguistics,
[00:10.61]and a pharmacist works in pharmacy.
[00:09.61]Now get ready to write.
[00:08.61]You will hear a pair of words,like "Archaeology.. archaeologist"
[00:06.61]The first word is the name of the field of study,
[00:05.61]and the second word is the expert who works in that field.
[00:04.61]After you hear each pair of words,
[00:03.61]say those words and then write them next to each other on your paper.
[00:02.61]Ready?Let's begin.
[00:01.61]Archaeology...       archaeologist.
[00:00.61]Anthropology..       anthropologist.
[00:44.75]Now check a dictionary or your study Guide
[00:43.75]to see if you spelled these words correctly.
[00:42.75]Now listen to these words again and repeat.
[00:41.75]archaeology          archaeologist
[00:40.75]anthropology         anthropologist
[00:39.75]sociology            sociologist
[00:38.75]psychology           psychologist
[00:37.75]geology              geologist
[00:36.75]zoology              zoologist
[00:35.75]dentistry            dentist
[00:34.75]economics            economist
[00:33.75]chemistry            chemist
[00:32.75]art                  artist
[00:31.75]journalism           journalist
[00:30.75]physics              physicist
[00:29.75]botany               botanist
[00:28.75]linguistics          linguist
[00:27.75]pharmacy             pharmacist
[00:26.75]This is the end of Review Two.
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