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大学英语自学教程 下册 un12

[04:15.69]But the value Of daydreaming does not stop here.
[04:18.42]  但白日梦的价值并非仅限于此.
[04:21.15]It has been found that it improves a person's ability
[04:27.70]to be better adapted to practical,immediate concerns,
[04:34.36]to solve everyday problems,and to come up more readily with new ideas.
[04:43.32]Contrary to popular belief,constant and conscious effort at solving a problem is,
[04:52.88]in reality one of the most inefficient ways of coping with it.
[04:59.94]While conscious initial effort is always necessary,
[05:06.29]effective solutions to especially severe problems
[05:12.76]frequently occur when conscious attempts to solve them have been put off.
[05:19.43]Inability to relax,to let go of a problem,often prevents its solution.
[05:28.67]Historically,scientists and inventors are one group
[05:34.63]that seems to take full advantage of-relaxed moments.
[05:38.05]  历史上,科学家和发明家似乎以至于能充分利用放松时刻的群体.
[05:41.47]Their biographies reveal that their best ideas
[05:47.74]seem to have occurred when they were relaxing and daydreaming.
[05:54.19]It is well known,for example,that New ton solved many of his toughest problems
[06:02.87]when his attention was waylaid by private musings.
[06:09.53]Thomas Alva Edison also knew the value of "half waking" states.
[06:17.18]Whenever confronted With a task which seemed too hard to be dealt with
[06:25.25]he would stretch out on his laboratory sofa and let fantasies flood his mind.
[06:34.68]Painters,writers,and composers also have drawn heavily
[06:42.26]on their sensitivity to inner fantasies.
[06:44.94]  画家,作家和作曲家都十分依赖对内心幻觉的敏感性.
[06:47.61]Debussy used to gaze at the River Seine
[06:53.36]and the golden reflections of the setting sun
[06:58.82]to establish an atmosphere for creativity.
[07:04.28]Brahms found that ideas came effortless only
[07:11.75]when he approached a state of deep daydreaming.
[07:17.50]And Cesar Frank is said to have walked around
[07:23.87]with a dreamlike gaze while composing,
[07:29.44]seemingly totally unaware of his surroundings.
[07:35.00]Many successful people actually daydreamed their-successes
[07:38.63]  许多成功者实现他们成功和成就前,
[07:42.26]and achievements long before they realized them.
[07:48.22]Henry J.Kaiser maintained that "you can imagine your future,"
[07:55.87]and he believed that a great part of his business success
[08:02.40]was due to positive use of daydreams.
[08:07.76]Harry S.Truman said that he used daydreaming for rest.
[08:14.32]Conrad Hilton dreamed of operating a hotel when he was a boy.
[08:21.26]He recalled that all his accomplishments were first realized in his imagination.
[08:29.20]"Great living starts with a pictureheld in some person's imagination
[08:33.37]  "伟大的生活开始于人们想象中的图画,
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